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Published 9 years ago by drunkenninja with 5 Comments

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  • kxh

    This would make a lot of the problems finding other civilisations in the stars make sense. Like the Drake equation, the Fermi Paradox etc. One the other hand the argument for The Carter Catastrophe says it's unlikely.

    • drunkenninja

      This whole concept reminds me of this article. We are literally one out of hundreds of million to win that race and be born, yet we just don't realize the insane amount of layers of odds we had to beat to even exist, starting from the birth of the universe and ending at the race of the tadpoles.

  • Qukatt

    so basically replace every single show and movie we have about aliens to have humans in the role of the aliens and aliens in the role of the humans and suddenly it starts to make sense given how we like to kill each other out of boredom or whatever. Pretty sure we'd happily be going around the galaxy to new earths to kill and enslave the locals.

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