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Published 9 years ago by drunkenninja with 5 Comments

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  • Mellifluous

    "Why haven’t we seen any evidence of them?" Well, that's not completely true, though. Although how we chose to percieve them, is another thing.

  • imokruok

    Zoo hypothesis.

    • septimine

      Not to nitpick, but the zoo hypothesis assumes that there's something unique about earth that makes it worth protecting. We really only made parks of places with something unique, either geology or biology. It's not like we save random things for no reason. Thus the ZH seems anthropomorphic and so to me that's not a good theory.

      • imokruok

        I love nitpicking. Please do. Welcome friend.

  • septimine

    I think the hypothesis that we're not listening to the right things makes the most sense. Radio isn't efficient and unless highly boosted doesn't really work at a distance useful to interstellar civilization. At best, you'd be able to do a local broadcast to the next stars, so about like expecting a modern company to conduct business via pony express. There are no ponies, so obviously national chain companies don't exist. Amazon has no ponies.

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