douglas77's feed
9 years ago
You rude bastard.
Posted in: The Fast Show has aged surprisingly well
9 years ago
Are you actually joking here. Sorry, I had to adjust my mind there a second - am I right to assume the hair on your head is cut short?! You don't mean you have thick flowing backlocks?
Posted in: What's something abnormal about your body?
9 years ago
I was really really banking on the fact that you don't otherwise I would be an absolute bastard
Posted in: What's something abnormal about your body?
9 years ago
I wouldn't mind if there was no one else here to be honest! I think I've finally found a subject I know enough about to remain enthusiastic and participatory over a long period of time. Nice to see you around though. Cup of tea?
Posted in: The Fast Show has aged surprisingly well
9 years ago
Blimey. Do you get special parking spaces? :p
Posted in: What's something abnormal about your body?
9 years agoComment double2
I have patches of hair on my shoulders, unconnected to any other hair. I call them my shoulder moustaches.
Posted in: What's something abnormal about your body?
9 years agoComment double2
I was raised Christian, but I found too many flaws in its logic to accept it's explanation of life and death, at least in the way its generally explained. Over may years of being stressed, even depressed over the matter of my own mortality, I came to the following understanding (with a bonus bit at the end):
Time is linked to perception. Being unconscious is not the end of a progression, but a definition of the bounds of something. When you walk to the end of a road you don't say the road dies, you just notice that there is no road beyond. Once you have finished living, your life is defined by the dimensions we perceive, plus the static dimension of all time you have passed through. So, yeah, it's terrifying in a sense as I define myself so much by linear time and my ability to have a consciousness, but I also know that in some weird sense I will exist permanently, be it only in a certain cross section of the dimension of time.
The other bit is the idea of the human ego. Many philosophers would say its an illusion in the first place and you can't lose what you never had. Perhaps you're just overcoming a delusion?
One last thing, I guess, would be to bring up one of the best questions I've heard raised in response to this discussion in the past: when you think of the world before you were born, how does that make you feel?
Edit: For more on this subject - smoke some DMT and have a chat with creatures of other dimensions, they explain this stuff a lot better than me ;)
show more -
9 years agoVideo/Audio double2
The Fast Show has aged surprisingly well
Considering I was fairly young when I first watched this, I feel like I'm getting a lot more of the jokes now. Which is nice.
9 years ago
Ah, just thought I'd say in case it was a linguistic blind spot.
Hey, if they bring fracking to france you might get free carbonated water out of your taps yet.
9 years ago
How depressing.
Posted in: Waiting for Snapzu to come back online
9 years agoComment double2
Remain asleep.
Posted in: Whats your morning ritual?
9 years ago
Good to know!
Posted in: What's your proudest accomplishment?
9 years ago
OK...I thought your best female friend and your roommate were two different people! Now I've read it differently!
Posted in: When was your "too good to be true" moment?
9 years ago
Just to let you know - I think you are meaning to say "tap water". Tape would be like sticky tape or a tape measure, whereas a tap is another name for a faucet, tap water being the water that comes out of it :)
Also - that is a funny outlook. You must have some pretty shitty tap water! I know my friend in Prague has the same issue.
9 years ago
Is the fact it sounds like Johnny Quest intentional? If so, why? If not, surely as that was a cartoon made by the same network, this should have come up as something that could confuse people? And, again, why is it neither bad-ass or funny?
Posted in: How The Cartoon Network Grew Up
9 years ago
Awesome! Because you hadn't replied, I assumed it was nude mods for skyrim or something :D
Posted in: What's your proudest accomplishment?
9 years ago
Is this a sales pitch?
9 years ago
Brony, easily. I think there's a chance I could hold a conversation with my fellow bronies much more easily. And the makeup for being a juggalo is just too much effort.
9 years ago
Wait. Were you involved in this "cuddle"?
Posted in: When was your "too good to be true" moment?
9 years ago
This is it - laziness. Bottled water is more of a service than a product. You're buying the cooling process and convenience, not just a volume of water.
9 years agoComment double2
This revolting one. Happy birthday.
Posted in: What gif / pic will always make you laugh?
9 years ago
How odd.
Posted in: What gif / pic will always make you laugh?
9 years ago
Jesus, that's terrible. I can't believe how little time is given to workshops or practical sessions at my university. I would have thought in coding modules you'd have at least a few hours contact a week. Nope...just the one in which you have to compete with 15 other people for attention.
9 years agoText Post double2
What's the best "would you rather" you know of?
7 comments in posted into
9 years ago
Yea, I'll definitely give you that. I was in much the same situation - faffing around with bits and bobs for yonks, but the structure of being at uni encouraged me to complete tasks. However, that requirement can easily be resolved through self discipline and purposefully outlining clear projects to get involved with. CodeWars is good for little things and some of the free courses on Udacity are pretty good - I was doing the android development course on there the other week and, apart from some outdated bits (VERY frustrating!!) the course quality and structure is fantastic.