• hedman

    "You obstruct and, oh, it’s obstruction"

    • NotWearingPants

      Well, he's said he's willing to speak to Mueller under oath, so where is the obstruction?

      • hedman

        This is the 2nd or 3rd time I can remember he publicly basically admitted it on camera/recording. Remember Lester Holt interview?

        • NotWearingPants

          The one about Comey? Yeah, FBI director serves at the pleasure of the president. He can be fired for any, or no, reason.

          Not obstruction.

          A strong case could be made for firing Mueller and it still wouldn't be obstruction. Someone else could pick up the "nothingburger". Trump won't do it though, the Uranium One "matter" is going to do it for him.

          • hedman

            Honestly, it can be defined differently by different people. I'm just sitting back for now and will fully accept the results of the investigation, whatever they may be.

            • NotWearingPants

              Obstruction has a legal definition. And it's not the one the talking heads on the 24-hour cable channels use, which amounts to "I don't like Trump and I don't like what he's doing."

          • AdelleChattre

            You mean the Uranium One deal Mueller himself signed off on back in the day when he was Director, FBI?

            • NotWearingPants

              I do believe that's the one.

            • AdelleChattre
              @NotWearingPants -

              Doesn't strike me as the kind of federal bureaucrat that's overly concerned with protecting and defending the emoluments clause of the Constitution. Still, finding something to charge Trump on shouldn't take this long, should it? He's a cheap grifter. If any of this were real, I mean.

            • NotWearingPants
              @AdelleChattre -

              It shouldn't. He was relentlessly vetted during the primary and general, and the worst that was found was rough "sex talk".

              The collusion story was the "insurance policy" and the explanation why Hillary's "98% chance to win" didn't happen.