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There's a Surprisingly Easy Way to Remove Microplastics From Your Drinking Water
Tiny fragments of microplastics are making their way deep inside our bodies in concerning quantities, significantly through our food and drink.
What They Don't Tell You About Statins
Easy Ways To Hide Files, Photos, and Apps on Your Android Phone
This article discusses methods for securing your private information on Android phones. It covers options suitable for both standard Android devices and those using Android-based operating systems.
Posted in: by erkdhlsson -
The Secret Meeting That Broke Our Food System
Did you know you can patent a living thing? Decades of lobbying made that possible. Now just four companies control the intellectual property behind nearly ALL of the food we eat. We call them the "Life Cartel" and we broke down their plot to privatize everything.
Posted in: by Maternitus -
The Hacktivist
Celebrity hacker Andrew 'Bunnie' Huang first clashed with US tech giant Microsoft for teaching others how to modify the Xbox. Almost 20 years later, he is suing the US government to push for the right to use and own technology, all while creating hackable hardware with other tech superstars like whistleblower Edward Snowden and firmware hacker Sean Cross. Bunnie is convinced that, “If you can’t hack what you have, you don’t own it.” This documentary tinkers with the hacker’s mind on issues around transparency and privacy in the hardware world, all while Bunnie dismantles his childhood, his philosophy, and his controversy.
Posted in: by Maternitus -
r/RedditAlternatives: A subreddit for cataloging, dispersing and sharing all reddit alternatives out there.
Posted in: by Xeqivu -
How to Choose a Python API Framework
Which framework you choose depends on your specific use case. To help you choose a Python framework, this guide provides an overview on some well-known Python frameworks used to build APIs and discusses their differences and strengths.
Posted in: by estherschindler -
Robinhood’s Customers Are Hedge Funds Like Citadel, Its Users Are the Product
The Wallstreetbets subreddit are furious after Robinhood stopped allowing trading on GameStop. Here’s how the “commission free” investing app makes money.
Posted in: by belangermira -
How to set your Google account to delete itself after you die
Here's how to configure your Google account so all of your data is shared with a loved one or friend, or deleted entirely, after you die.
How to establish a daily writing practice
Tips for publishing something new every day, and approaching your progression as a writer with kindness rather than judgement.
Posted in: by SunAnvil -
10 ways to trick your brain into being more productive, according to a neuroscientist
Ditch your open office, drink coffee strategically, and put your smartphone away to trick your brain into getting more done.
Posted in: by paddystacks -
A Solution for Loneliness
Get out and volunteer, research suggests
Posted in: by rainyday -
What an Uncensored Letter to M.L.K. Reveals
Would the F.B.I.’s smear campaign against Martin Luther King Jr. work today? By Beverly Gage. (Nov. 11, 2014)
Posted in: by AdelleChattre -
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said billionaires shouldn't exist as long as Americans live in...
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said a society that "allows billionaires to exist" while some Americans live in abject poverty is "immoral." "I'm not saying that Bill Gates or Warren Buffett are immoral, but a system that allows billionaires to exist when there are parts of Alabama where people are still getting ringworm because they don't have access to public health is wrong," Ocasio-Cortez said during an event honoring the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. on Monday.
Posted in: by funhonestdude -
What People Actually Say Before They Die
Mort Felix liked to say that his name, when read as two Latin words, meant “happy death.” When he was sick with the flu, he used to jokingly remind his wife, Susan, that he wanted Beethoven’s “Ode to Joy” played at his deathbed. But when his life’s end arrived at the age of 77, he lay in his study in his Berkeley, California, home, his body besieged by cancer and his consciousness cradled in morphine, uninterested in music and refusing food as he dwindled away over three weeks in 2012. “Enough,” he told Susan. “Thank you, and I love you, and enough.” When she came downstairs the next morning, she found Felix dead.
Posted in: by ticktack -
How a Stroke Turned a 63-Year-Old Into a Rap Legend
The story of Dr. Rapp
Posted in: by 66bnats -
That Moment I Escaped North Korea
We talked with another advocate of the organization Liberty in North Korea, Geum Hyok Kim. Geum is a defector from the ruling class of North Korea who didn’t realize the nature of the regime until he left. He tells his beautiful, reflective story of growth, understanding freedom, and realizing what’s important.
Posted in: by grandtheftsoul -
The Way American Parents Think About Chores Is Bizarre
Children naturally want to help at a very early age—but many families wait to conscript them until that desire has faded.
Posted in: by rainyday -
America Needs to Restore Dignity of Work
There was once a path to a stable and prosperous life in America that has since closed off. It was a well-traveled path for many Americans: Graduate from high school and get a job, typically with a local manufacturer or one of the service industries associated with it, and earn enough to support a family. The idea was not only that it was possible to achieve this kind of success, but that anyone could achieve it—the American dream. That dream defines my family’s history, and its disappearance calls me to action today.
Posted in: by socialiguana -
Uncovering What Your Phone Knows
Jennifer Valentino-DeVries, an investigative reporter for The Times, explains how reporters discovered some of the information mobile apps collect.
15 Practical Money Saving Tips
Part of creating your dream life is finding financial freedom and abundance. That means having enough money so that you no longer worry or stress about how you're going to pay your bills. You want enough money to live comfortably and happily.
Posted in: by roxxy -
Parents: To Prepare Kids Financially, Give Them Practice with Money
Children learn more about finances from their parents than any other source, previous research has shown. The process through which parents impart this knowledge onto their children is known as "financial socialization." Much of the existing literature on financial socialization focuses on two things: the example parents set for their children, and what moms and dads directly teach their kids about money.
Swirls and Colors on Jupiter from Juno
What creates the colors in Jupiter's clouds? No one is sure. The thick atmosphere of Jupiter is mostly hydrogen and helium, elements which are colorless at the low temperatures of the Jovian cloud tops. Which trace elements provide the colors remains a topic of research, although small amounts of ammonium hydrosulfide are one leading candidate. What is clear from the featured color-enhanced image -- and many similar images -- is that lighter clouds are typically higher up than darker ones. Pictured, light clouds swirl around reddish regions toward the lower right, while they appear to cover over some darker domains on the upper right.
Posted in: by spacepopper -
I Used to Be Homeless—and Here's What Everyone Gets Wrong About It
You've been misled by television and movies: Homeless people aren't dangerous. Here's the reality from a man who spent 20 years living on the streets.
Posted in: by aj0690 -
Meet the Endoterrestrials
They live thousands of feet below the Earth’s surface. They eat hydrogen and exhale methane. And they may shape our world more profoundly than we can imagine.
Posted in: by iamsanchez -
Done is better than perfect
How to get past the perfectionist trap
Posted in: by xXwraithXx -
A timehackers' guide to starting a journal - everything you need to know
An indepth, hardhitting guide to improving your productivity with the help of a journal. Learn how to start a journal, what journal you should be using & more.
Inside the World of D.I.Y. Ammunition
Millions of weapons aficionados reload their own ammunition and cast their own bullets, acts of individualism that are hallmarks of the broader American gun ethos.
How to stop worrying about what other people think
To have a winner’s mentality, you have to stop caring what other people think. You’ve gotta get quiet in your own head. So many people make big life decisions based on other people’s opinions. You care so much about what your mom, dad, brother, or friends think that you’re allowing them to dictate your actions in life.
Posted in: by happynjoyful -
Web inventor Berners-Lee creates a new privacy first way of dealing with the internet
First, Sir Tim Berners-Lee created the web, now he wants to save it.