
AdelleChattre 50

“I believe in optimism and lots of white paint.” — Summer Glau

50 99.5% 12,844 3,402 181,102 92
Appaloosa 50

"Education consists mainly in what we have unlearned." - Mark Twain

50 99.5% 3,759 4,175 105,361 77
drunkenninja 50

Technology, Futurism and Science enthusiast from Vancouver, B.C

50 99.4% 6,463 9,475 275,562 86
50 99.5% 5,604 2,942 66,324 91
48 99.4% 2,952 1,386 112,978 85
44 99.4% 1,329 2,011 21,542 67
43 99.6% 2,065 164 11,940 54
38 98.9% 1,510 103 30,275 45
31 97.9% 182 68 7,610 37
30 82.5% 37 141 28,764 33
bomboxx360 2

bomboxx360 @ Snapzu

2 65.0% 0 1 1 1