• sushmonster

    They got her to resign and it will be really hilarious when the next person is just as bad or even worse, because reddit is a corporation run by Conde Naste and the shareholders probably want it a certain way to generate revenue. She was most likely just following directions. Same way the next clueless person will. Let's watch reddit drive each and every one of them to resign with popcorn while living peacefully in Snapzu.

    • double2

      I think you're being a little over the top. I love you anyway.

    • ZanThrax

      Conde hasn't owned Reddit in years. They're both owned by the same parent corp - Advance Publications.

    • Fuyu

      This exactly. The core values of Reddit have changed from "free speech" to a "friendly community." We have no guarantee the next CEO won't enforce that "friendly community" even harder.

      I only didn't like Ellen Pao because she was kind of a scumbag of a person. I'm glad to see her go, but Reddit is still on it's way downhill without her because her lawsuits and husband weren't what was dragging it down in the first place.

      • jmcs

        At the least the ridiculous shadowbanning of real people will go away, because spez actually remembers it was meant to stop spammers not to secretly censor the users that don't agree with the admins.