Vind's feed
9 years agoComment Vind
My throat is slightly dislocated meaning I can put a finger inside my adam's apple and it makes my voice a whole lot darker
Posted in: What's something abnormal about your body?
9 years ago
Bing? You must be on windows10 :P
9 years agoAchievement Vind
Red Eye Jedi
Viewed 50/50 snaps! Congratulations Vind on this achievement!
+1340 XP -
9 years agoComment Vind
Tejbz. I've met him twice and played quite a bit of Battlefield 3 with him.
9 years agoAchievement Vind
Good Image
Reached a reputation rating of 67%. Congratulations Vind on this achievement!
+1340 XP -
9 years agoComment Vind
This is good, right?
9 years ago
And the most OP...
Except for wood
9 years agoLevel Up Vind
Level 5
Vind is now level 5 with 10,135 XP.
View Unlocks- Image Submission The maximum amount of images you can submit to a unique social gallery has been raised by 1 to a total of 6.
- Custom Banner You now have the ability to upload your own custom profile banner.
- Following The maximum amount of users you can follow has been raised by 20 to a total of 140.
9 years agoComment Vind
Looking for jobs. I've been submitting some applications but not enough.
Posted in: What are you procrastinating on?
9 years ago
Don't you worry, spiders rarely bite.
Posted in: Airborne spiders can sail on seas
9 years agoText Post Vind
[Feature] The top bar with all the tribes should change to the user's most used tribes
7 comments in posted into
9 years agoText Post Vind
/t/Norse - Everything Norse (History, tattoos, art, vikings, norse mythology, etc.)
1 comments in posted into
9 years ago
unrelated, but I love your ouroboros in your profile picture
9 years agoComment Vind
I've seen community 6 times, Blue Mountain State 5 times and How I Met Your Mother 7 times ...
Some shows are just so fitting to me that I come back and watch them when I have nothing else to do.
9 years agoText Post Vind
user felixsum is taking posts from /r/jokes and posting them to /t/textjokes. Is this against the rules?
5 comments in posted into
9 years agoText Post Vind
Make the stickies either a bit larger or another color
4 comments in posted into
9 years ago
I agree completely with your list.
Posted in: Upcoming API - Calling all Developers
9 years ago
I agree with this. Although I would personally prefer the original post way of doing it, but this could be a good start.
Posted in: Upcoming API - Calling all Developers
9 years agoComment Vind
I can twist my hand more than 360 degrees. I could even further but I've stopped doing it.
I can move my ears, one ear at a time.
I can stick a finger down my adam's apple through the skin.
Posted in: What's your best party trick?
9 years agoComment Vind
I remember when I was in kindergarten and my friend and I decided to cut our own hair (just a tiny bit in the front) and put the hair in a flower pot. Then we ran to our teacher and said that we have found mammoth hair. Our teacher didn't believe us for some reason.
9 years agoUnspecified Vind
The Eddur in the original language
This website has all the Eddur in the original language and most other nordic languages as well. The Eddor is a collection of books/stories from medieval Iceland, describing and documenting the Norse history of sagas and poems
9 years agoLevel Up Vind
Level 4
Vind is now level 4 with 6,760 XP.
View Unlocks- Tribe Membership The maximum amount of tribes you can join has been raised by 5 to a total of 60.
- Pattern Banner You now have the ability to select a pattern for the banner of any of your tribes.
- Snapzine The maximum amount of snapzine editions you can create has been raised by 1 to a total of 6.
9 years agoAchievement Vind
Chatter Box
Posted a total of 10/10 comments! Congratulations Vind on this achievement!
+1320 XP -
9 years agoComment Vind
Hey man, I'm sorry I wrote a bad review. I was just really disappointed in it just being a browser instead of a native app. I'm removing my review immediately.
Posted in: The Snapzu Android app - I'm sorry
9 years agoAchievement Vind
Hat Trick
Maintained a 3 day login streak 2/2 times! Congratulations Vind on this achievement!
+1320 XP