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8 years ago+4 4 0What kind of regeneration would you like to have?
This is a question relating to the tv show called, "Doctor Who". Do you want your regeneration to be more similar to the ones seen in the classic series, or like the newer regenerations in the revival series? In-between? Or just one particular regeneration?
Text Post
9 years ago+7 7 0What are the chances of NSFW content going up on the front page of Snapzu?
Optional Question: How would you react if you saw NSFW content on the front page of Snapzu?
9 years ago+1 1 0How to Prevent Drowning
Though it's not always well-publicized, drowning is one of the leading causes of death from unintentional injury, causing about 10 deaths per day in the US alone.
9 years ago+1 1 0How to Write an Article Review
An article review is both a summary and an evaluation of another writer's article. Teachers often assign article reviews to introduce students to the work of experts in the field. Experts also are often asked to review the work of other...
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9 years ago+14 14 0What is something that you thought was overrated but ended up liking it?
9 years ago+1 1 0Fatal Frame III Koe - Lyrics
Song by Tsukiko Amano.
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9 years ago+18 18 0After the war, the only remaining human is you, what would you do?
9 years ago+11 11 0 x 1Ancient Egyptian Writing
Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs.
9 years ago+5 5 0Beautiful view of nature
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9 years ago+45 45 0You were teleported into the far future, what would you do?
9 years ago+6 6 0Superfighters Deluxe Random Gameplay #020 [PreAlpha 1.7.2]
Video of Superfighters Deluxe gameplay by the creator, Gurt.
9 years ago+2 2 0Trailer of Red Eclipse
A trailer of the free, open source video game, Red Eclipse.
9 years ago+21 21 0 x 1Red Eclipse: A free casual arena shooter featuring parkour
A fun arena shooter.
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9 years ago+9 9 0Do you remember any dreams that are bizarre or weird?
If so, describe it.
9 years ago+9 9 0Superfighters Deluxe
The premier online bazooka rocket riding simulator.