
You were teleported into the far future, what would you do?

9 years ago by VenStroto90 with 49 comments

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Conversation 7 comments by 6 users
  • VoyagerXyX

    Aside from the things /u/Teska points out I think finding someone who actually believes you're from the past would be a good start. It'd be important to have a man/woman from the future "on the inside" (as they say) so you aren't floating around aimlessly. Who knows what crazy law could be broken accidentally that will land you in interstellar prison for the rest of your days in the future.

    • Teska

      But that conversation ... could you imagine? "Oh, hi, um, I know this sounds crazy, but I'm from the past." Though that's where eavesdropping could come in handy, or hanging at a bookstore. Just find the people browsing sci-fi (if that's even still a thing) or fantasy (ditto) and maybe strike up a "what if" scenario, or ask if they've read a book like that to break the ice? I don't know, really, I'd be frozen in place for hours I'm sure.

      • Schwut

        Maybe you think that conversation would be weird, but what if time travel was already invented? They'd just be like, "Yeah? So what?"

    • Qukatt

      I think it would be easy because simple genetic testing and carbon dating your bone or something would confirm you are not of their time. Especially if you are suffering any illness or disability they eradicated long ago. In fact best to do that asap because you are probably a massive health risk to that world as well as at risk from whatever mutations and new diseases have cropped up.

      It does mean putting yourself in the hands of the scientific community though.

      • VoyagerXyX

        Also would carbon dating only work if you were frozen and revived in the future? I'd assume if you were warped, teleported, or otherwise zapped into the future your body would not have been exposed to the same amount of time as everything else in the galaxy. Or is that not how it works? No sarcasm - really asking.

      • wrmnthewoodwork

        Just an FYI - you can't carbon date anything past 1950. After all that nuclear bomb testing, you'd be unable to get an accurate date post-1950.

        But I get what you mean.

        • Nerdeiro

          This is exactly how they'd be able to tell. It's possible to tell if a bottle of wine was actually made before 1945 by the presence of radioactive isotopes on the liquid. If certain isotopes are present, the wine was made after the first nuclear explosion, if they're absent, it's older then 1945.

          But the thing is, we haven't had an open air nuclear blast since a Chinese test in 1980, given the half life of isotopes, it's possible to date when a person lived. Future generations will have smaller concentrations of radioactive isotopes in their bodies than we do.

  • Schwut

    Probably get a job at some sort of space wide delivery service, employed by my nephew that is older than me. My best friend would probably be an evil robot and I'd like to think that I'd fall in love, probably with the cyclops woman that just so happens to be the captain of the ship at the delivery service.

  • cheezoncrack

    Browse dank memes

    • Polygon

      Not sure why this was down voted, The downvote button isn't your personal disagree button.

    • xg549

      But why would you be browsing dank memes in the future? Now is the time to browse dank memes. The future is for space exploration.

      • double2

        Exactly. The main benefit is that you wouldn't be too early to explore the universe.

  • Teska (edited 9 years ago)

    You're supposed to go to the nearest store and purchase a magazine detailing the winners from every game in the century you're from and find a way to get teleported back, right?

    Though honestly, first and foremost I'd freak the hell out, then attempt to find out when/where I am, and possibly how to get/use money (if it's even a thing). But really, what do you do? I'd assume no matter what, you'd look out of place. Not everyone just rolls with it like they do in Doctor Who. Surely clothes from today are no longer a thing (but if they are dear god wtf happened?!). I'm a people watcher as it is, so I'd do a lot of people watching and eavesdropping if no one immediately avoided me. I think that would be one of the better ways to figure out where you are. Bookstores or the equivalent would also be a good place to go.

  • Nospine

    Well, I'd haul ass and get the latest Nintendo console to play every game in the TLOZ series that has released up to that point :P

    • Ryvaeus

      Only to learn after chronoporting that Nintendo went bankrupt in 2016, and the company only produced mobile games after that point.

  • ClarkKent

    Find my distant relatives and look up what happened to me, see what kind of missing persons case I was and back search me on Google to see how much I was loved and for how long they looked.

    • Ryvaeus

      Couldn't you just fly really fast counter-clockwise around the planet, and go back to the time you were in before you ended up in the future?

    • Polygon

      What do you mean "Search me on google" In the future obviously Google is the master overseer and to search him is a death sentence. All Hail Master Google!

  • LimitedMind

    That would depend on whether you were able to come back or not... If I could come back, I'd figure out the most successful businesses and return to invest in them on the ground level .. If I couldn't come back I'd find some pie, because I've heard that the best pie is future pie

  • hitthee

    At first I'd crumble in to a heap and cry. To be honest? I'd probably end up committing suicide due to extreme isolation.

    Why? I wouldn't speak the language, the culture would be alien to me, I wouldn't have the skillset to function properly and lastly my entire support structure would be removed.

  • Polygon

    Well to be honest I wouldn't be surprised if English dies down like Latin did and we get a new common-ish language, so I would probably freak out and people would look at me like I'm insane for being the only person able to fluently speak a now dead language.

    • Schwut

      It might be a variation of English, but like you said it would be absolutely different. You'd probably sound to them as Shakespeare sounds to us.

      • Ryvaeus

        It's somewhat mindblowing to think that variations of "Ayy lmao" and "U wot mate?" could eventually become our future's version of "Shakespearean" English.

        • Polygon (edited 9 years ago)

          To ayy lmao or to 360noskope, that is the question.

          • Ryvaeus (edited 9 years ago)

            Whether ‘tis danker in the meme to repost
            The nyancats and doges of awesome lulz,
            Or to take arms against a sea of Paos,
            And by opposing pwn them?

  • Zorgon

    Find one of those cool alien techno clubs and party like there's no tomorrow

  • Redd06

    Go the biggest university I can find. Prove I'm from the past (somehow) and get a job teaching history. Get rich off books and lectures.

  • AinBaya

    It's kind of defeatest but unless I knew how I was transported to the future (work back from there) or knew exactly how to get back I would probably just try to start a new life. Play the amnesia card, walk up to some grocery store of the future where I will buy migoreng because it will never die and just live. There's also the possibility that the world wouldn't be there, you jump forward and then die in space.

  • Traveler

    Take advantage of medical advances to rejuvenate body and mind

  • TheAmerican

    I'd go to the nearest spaceport and try and convince a freighter captain that I deserve a job even though I have no identity or history. Then I get to tour the universe and hopefully eventually earn enough pay to afford a counterfeit ID.

  • nestamon

    I would hire myself out to historians and media who wanted to know more about ancient Earth. After becoming wealthy and rich, and writing a few books about it I would settle on an asteroid mining platform and live out my days floating through space.

  • iamyou (edited 9 years ago)

    1) Sell all the clothes off my back at auction for shitloads as they've now become historical artifacts

    2)Buy a hoverboard


    I would try to find a time machine tosend my ass back home

  • Shimmer (edited 9 years ago)

    Genealogy. I would try to find some of my distant descendants and learn about what happened to my family and friends. Hopefully they would want to be nice to me, seeing how I don't have anything they'd recognize as money to buy food and shelter with. :)

    After a nice meal and a nap, I would look into the issues that plague us today - war, poverty, hatred - and see if/how they were resolved. I would want to know how science, technology, and other forms of knowledge had evolved as well.

  • Fooferhill

    I'd steal the design plans for the hover board to bring back to now -using the same method of teleporting of course. We are so overdue for hover boards. The I would know everything in Back to the Future was real.

  • bobbelcher

    I would have to teach me the ancient ways of the hamburger

  • nicoscope

    Run away from any damn dirty ape I meet.

    But seriously: I'd try to find something to protect my breathing. I'd assume my immune system wouldn't be able to handle the air in the far future.

    If I survive that, I'd try to find anything looking like a computer or the internet and try to figure out what the fuck happened since 2015.

    • Schwut

      You'd actually probably be reintroducing old diseases that had been extinct for centuries.

      • nicoscope

        Nice knowing I could use a good cough fit as a deadly biological weapon of mass destruction if I ever got cornered.

        • Schwut

          "Don't come any closer! I'll cough twice!"

  • nik

    I'd probably shortly afterwards die of depression knowing that I'd never get the chance to see anyone I knew my whole life (family/friends) ever again. It's not like people moving thousands of miles away to only be able to get on a plane, but, there's no way to get back to them.

  • oystein

    I would try to get back. Seriously, I wouldn't know what the hell to say or what the hell to do.

  • DunkEgg

    Releax, dont do it, when I wanna come do it.