Tessier's feed

  • 9 years ago
    Comment Teska

    My 5 y/o has recently become obsessed with the weather. I bet she will like this! Thanks!

  • 9 years ago
    Comment Teska

    I've got a few, and I'm sure there will be a groan when I say this .... but Firefly is by far one of my favorites. Other notables are Doctor Who, Supernatural, The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, and Buffy/Angel.

    Posted in: Favorite TV Series?

  • 9 years ago
    Comment Teska

    I saw the thumbnail you mention as well and it was well and truly unmistakable for anything other than a bloody fetus. I went to the site to read the article, fully expecting the thumbnail image to be in there ... but it wasn't. No where on that page was a picture that matched (or even was bloody) the thumbnail image. Which struck me as the user who created the snap chose that particular image, and in choosing that image, most likely knew full well the reaction that image would get. And if that is the case, I doubt anyone putting something like that up for shock value would care to put a NSFW tag on it as that would not get the "pearl clutching" reaction they seem to want.

    And I say the above not as a wide generalization for every person posting with a thumbnail with a gory image, but just for this particular one. I also concede that I don't know that users true intentions, but am giving my opinion.

    show moreshow less
  • 9 years ago
    Level Up Teska

    Level 13

    Teska is now level 13 with 118,690 XP.

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    • Snapzine The maximum amount of snapzine editions you can create has been raised by 1 to a total of 9.
  • 9 years ago
    Achievement Teska

    Hat Trick

    Maintained a 3 day login streak 5/5 times! Congratulations Teska on this achievement!

    +7000 XP
  • 9 years ago
    Comment Teska

    At the moment I tend to have a kid on the left most of the time, so that's really why I'm asking - clicking is easier by far most of the time for me. But I'll keep that in mind - especially when the kiddo wants to press buttons. ;p

  • 9 years ago
    Comment Teska

    No problem, I completely understand. It think it's just awesome you guys are listening and considering things. Thanks!

  • 9 years ago
    Current Event Teska

    Snake Oil: 2009 Vintage - Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab

    Back in 2009, we bottled a hooch-jug of Snake Oil and put it aside in a cool, dark nook. We’ll be selling the fruits of our labor and patience in 100 bottle increments. Each bottle is $50. We will be making announcements prior to each hundred-bottle release. By far, our most popular scent! Magnetic, mysterious, and exceedingly sexual in nature. A blend of exotic Indonesian oils sugared with vanilla.

  • 9 years ago
    Achievement Teska

    Media Mogul

    Published 10/10 current event snaps! Congratulations Teska on this achievement!

    +6990 XP
  • 9 years ago
    Current Event Teska

    Scholar's Tower - Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab

    "Amina and Shula took in stray books and stray cats and filled their home with both. They loved their feline charges as much as their studies, though the former often demanded more attention than the latter. Together, the two scholars charted the paths of comets, discovered and named new stars, and debated the size and shape of the observable skies. They loved their study of the heavens, but they also strove to keep their inner world full and happy. Some days, all they needed was a sunny sp...

  • 9 years ago
    Achievement Teska

    Busy Bee

    Maintained a 7 day login streak 2/2 times! Congratulations Teska on this achievement!

    +3495 XP
  • 9 years ago
    Analysis Teska

    Fragrant Orchids: 11 Varieties You’ve Got to Try | OrchidsMadeEasy.com

    Discover 11 fragrant orchids that you should give a try in this article by Ryan Levesque, author of Orchids Made Easy.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment Teska

    Hi and welcome! If you're wondering if there's a tribe for "that" - click the search button up top, put in a keyword, and when the results pour in, click on the Tribes button above the results to see if there is already a tribe. There's lots of friendly and helpful people around, so if you have a question, just ask!

    Posted in: Hello Snapzu

  • 9 years ago
    Text Post Teska

    [Site Functionality] Top of Page button

    4 comments in posted into

  • 9 years ago
    Comment Teska

    27" acer. I can see everything clearer now

  • 9 years ago
    Comment Teska

    I am right there with you. I hate when I am talking and then just ... completely forget the word I'm looking for. I can see what it is in my mind's eye, but can't spit it out for the life of me and so I just stand there staring blankly at the person like an idiot while they just blink at me while I take up to a full minute to spit out this one word. It would be okay if it only happened once in a conversation - but it can happen for multiple words in a sentence. It's beyond frustrating for me.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment Teska

    I devoured Christopher Pike books as a teenager! I still own all of The Last Vampire series. Ahh memories.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment Teska

    But I looked it up and Frozen 2 won't be out until like 2017. (I have two girls ... the oldest HAD TO know when another was coming.)

  • 9 years ago
    Comment Teska

    I'd forgotten until I' parked next to this Honda Rav4 with "Twilight Mom", "I drive like a Cullen", "Team Edward", and other such stickers on the back. There had to be like 10 of them. Surely they could've been removed, but it seems for some, Twilight will live on forever. Like a Cullen. sparkle

  • 9 years ago
    Level Up Teska

    Level 12

    Teska is now level 12 with 92,115 XP.

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    • Tribe Creation The maximum amount of tribes you can create has been raised by 2 to a total of 9.
    • Tribe Membership The maximum amount of tribes you can join has been raised by 5 to a total of 80.
  • 9 years ago
    Achievement Teska

    Chatter Box

    Posted a total of 100/100 comments! Congratulations Teska on this achievement!

    +9560 XP
  • 9 years ago
    Comment Teska

    That is beyond disappointing. Surely they could've done something better for all the hype that was placed on it.

    I would be extremely curious to see the exact data on how many people actually bought things today.

  • 9 years ago
    Analysis Teska

    Vanilla perfume ingredient, Vanilla fragrance and essential oils

    Today everyone knows the scent and taste of vanilla, but mainly synthetic, as the real vanilla extract is very expensive and its production hardly profitable for producers. The scent of vanilla consists of several components, main of which are vanillin and piperonal (heliotropine).

  • 9 years ago
    Achievement Teska

    Midnight Express

    Published 2/2 expression snaps! Congratulations Teska on this achievement!

    +3190 XP
  • 9 years ago
    Expression Teska

    BBC 'Sherlock' Season 4 Air Date & Premiere: What Fans Can Expect From the Hit Series in the Future

    "Sherlock" fans worldwide suffered simultaneous heartbreak when it was announced that filming for the fourth season of the series wouldn't begin until Spring 2016, which concurrently pushed back the air date to early 2017.