SwampThing's feed
9 years agoText Post SwampThing
Daredevil's new sidekick and status quo post-Secret Wars
9 years ago
Haha, I watched that After Earth one a while ago because I really was pissed at just how awful it was. I still have nightmares from that movie to this very day...
9 years agoLevel Up SwampThing
Level 3
SwampThing is now level 3 with 3,060 XP.
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- Following The maximum amount of users you can follow has been raised by 20 to a total of 120.
9 years ago
Wherever this whole community is, they better start heading to the /t/dccomics tribe, because it's pretty lackluster so far, and that is the only reason I really go to reddit now, is for the comic book community. It would be great if that could be here too. Eventually.
9 years agoText Post SwampThing
Do you watch Youtubers? If so, what channels do you watch?
13 comments in posted into
9 years ago
Pretty much me right now. Go the hell to sleep, it's 4 in the morning. But... there is more Snapzu to explore! Eghh... Snapzu is good.
9 years ago
That sounds interesting considering I can relate a lot to that. I am not trying to lie to myself, i am kind of a dark and anti-social person in a friends group of energized, social people with not so twisted thoughts. You could be going for a different kind of "edgy" but it's similar.
Posted in: What are you procrastinating on?
9 years agoText Post SwampThing
So you've never read a Swamp-Thing book before, huh? There's no time to waste, come here and now for Swamp-Thing recommendations with Amazon links!
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9 years agoText Post SwampThing
New DC Comics miniseries' announced in January, including a new Swamp-Thing miniseries written by Lein Wein, the original Swamp-Thing creator.
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9 years agoText Post SwampThing
/t/swampthing- the place for all Swamp-Thing needs!
9 years agoLevel Up SwampThing
Level 2
SwampThing is now level 2 with 1,245 XP.
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- Tribe Membership The maximum amount of tribes you can join has been raised by 5 to a total of 55.
9 years agoText Post SwampThing
Where is a good place on Reddit to share Snapzu invite codes?
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9 years ago
Seeing as you're another friendly neighborhood DC character, what are some beginners tips I should know?