
Do you watch Youtubers? If so, what channels do you watch?

9 years ago by SwampThing with 13 comments

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  • GroundType

    Of my subscriptions, I feel like these channels deserve the most attention:

    Every Frame A Painting Tony Zhou presents a thorough analysis of film. He covers many different aspects of film, from cinematography, to acting, to sound. Entertaining even if you're not a film buff, he may even convert you into one.

    Tekthing Basically Tekzilla 2. If you're unfamiliar, it's a tech news show done in a traditional broadcast style.

    CGP Grey Well researched, "did you know" style videos. Grey has a cadence that keeps your attention and he owns up to any errors he (rarely) makes.

  • Lyzern

    Some of my favourite youtubers would be:


    Jerma985 and his husband, STAR_;

    Sorted Food, Happy Pear and Foodwishes for my culinary needs;

    WatchMojo always has nice Top 10s that are nice to watch

  • Hedgehogjawn (edited 9 years ago)

    Teamfourstar - one of the best abridged anime series out there. They've abridged Dragonball Z up into the Cell saga now and are still going strong

    Smosh games and Screen junkies - I really just watch the Honest Trailers on these two

    ICEnJAM - video game soundboard prank calls. Solid Snake calls a gun shop.

    ETA also, slowmobros(I think?) And Vsauce. First is a couple guys with a slow motion camera , blowing things up. Vsauce is up and coming science and technology. Love the science stuff.

    • Naaaaaarrg

      I recently discovered Teamfourstar and marathoned the entirety of DBZ abridged. I never thought I would watch DBZ in any form but it's honestly one of the funniest things I've seen in a long time.

      • Hedgehogjawn

        I've been a fan of Dragonball Z since I was in fourth grade and now I'm nearly 25 if that tells you anything. I've probably watched it even longer, as it was my older sister to introduce me to anime before that. Not even ashamed. :)

  • Lythos

    Dunkey and Jontron :)

  • sarcasimo

    I watch a few different channels regularly.

    - Ashens He's British dude that reviews "tat"

    - Red Letter Media Most known for their Harry Plinkett reviews of the Star Wars Prequels. I personally enjoy their "Best of the Worst" series the most

    - Regular Car Reviews This guy reviews cars in a unique way, and he has a sidekick who makes good music for the show.

    - Lazy Game Reviews He reviews retro PC games, and retro PCs/equipment. He has an oddly soothing voice.

    - Retroware They have a neat series called "The Video Game Years", reminds me of those VH1 Behind the Music documentaries

    - Channel Awesome Home of the Nostalgia Critic.

    There is one Non-Youtube place I go for videos, and that is SFDebris He does really good reviews of all things Sci-Fi. Right now hes doing a good series on the rise and fall of comic books.

  • Arzeus (edited 9 years ago)

    Some of my favorites: (1) Pewdiepie, (2) Fine Brothers Entertainment, (3) CinemaSins, (4) Screen Junkies

    Edit: Formatting

    • Hedgehogjawn

      If you like screen junkies, you should look into smosh games if you haven't already. It's got honest video game trailers

  • Dattix

    NISLT - Best TF2 channel in my opinion. PIMPNITE - Really funny Pokémon player in my opinion. And just random oddball stuff mixed in with that.

  • noot

    yourmoviesucks - I good mix of reviews, film analysts and videos where he explains why some movies totally suck. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZB3GLIRx-c This one is really good, its on after earth.

    Every Frame a Painting- Talks about film techniques and what effects they can have.

    • SwampThing (edited 9 years ago)

      Haha, I watched that After Earth one a while ago because I really was pissed at just how awful it was. I still have nightmares from that movie to this very day...