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Published 11 years ago by Splitfish with 11 Comments

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  • belangermira

    Basically, people in North Korea do not have the freedom to choose their occupations. Once you’re assigned a job from the government, it is your lifelong job.

    Talk about killing everyone's dreams and aspirations

    • dmt

      That's assuming they ever had the ability to dream and hope. Beat a man long and hard enough and he'll simply exist, not live.

      Though this does remind me of Futurama.

      • benjamoo

        In a way this sounds similar to arranged marriages. People never expected to have a choice. They just get what they get and make the most of it, and a lot of them are very happy, long-lasting marriages.

      • sSethia

        I agree. Western culture encourages individualism and passions, but the people in North Korea are probably blocked from any kind of influence besides their own. From a young age, the people of North Korea are conditioned to follow orders just to survive.

        • belangermira

          This makes sense. I forgot that they never actually had any freedoms to begin with.

  • zritic

    This is similar to the USSR during the early parts of the cold war

  • dubsideofmoon

    Fascinating. I had not seen that website before. I would like to learn more.

    • Splitfish

      If North Korea interests you, this is one of the best sites to read. They have first hand experiences and sources from inside, which is really REALLY hard to do since the country is so locked down. And the fact that it's so locked down is what interests me the most.

  • smokingcage

    Currently reading Orphan Master's Son by Adam Johnson. This article definitely contributes to my appreciation of the novel, which I recommend to everyone on here.

  • mhugan

    I wonder how much longer a country like this can survive.

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