• belangermira

    Basically, people in North Korea do not have the freedom to choose their occupations. Once you’re assigned a job from the government, it is your lifelong job.

    Talk about killing everyone's dreams and aspirations

    • dmt

      That's assuming they ever had the ability to dream and hope. Beat a man long and hard enough and he'll simply exist, not live.

      Though this does remind me of Futurama.

      • benjamoo

        In a way this sounds similar to arranged marriages. People never expected to have a choice. They just get what they get and make the most of it, and a lot of them are very happy, long-lasting marriages.

      • sSethia

        I agree. Western culture encourages individualism and passions, but the people in North Korea are probably blocked from any kind of influence besides their own. From a young age, the people of North Korea are conditioned to follow orders just to survive.

        • belangermira

          This makes sense. I forgot that they never actually had any freedoms to begin with.