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Published 8 years ago by PrismDragon with 31 Comments

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Conversation 17 comments by 10 users
  • sixstorm

    Interesting. I really didn't have but little interest for this game up until now.

    • PrismDragon

      Yeah. This seems like a novel concept for a space exploration game. I just wonder how long the fun and novelty of this title will last.

      • BilboSwaggins

        That's going to be the real challenge with this game. Sure you can generate an infinity of unexplored planets, but making the planets mean something is what will make or break this.

      • Tandrios

        Well, Sean stated that the 'goal' is to get to the center of the Universe. The game isn't completed at that point, but he expects that this is the moment people stop playing.

        • PrismDragon

          Right. But, will the gameplay and content in between be enough to satisfy most of the players long enough until they reach the center of the universe?

          • zaywolfe (edited 8 years ago)

            If I remember correctly, as you get closer to the galaxy the difficulty rises. More things happen and things get just a bit more out of reach. So I imagine the draw will be the promise of an apple just out of reach, and then new shinier apples just beyond it.

            Saving up for a new suit to survive on a planet with rare resources to sell for a new hyperdrive. Then once you get there to a new system with your hyperdrive, new powerful pirates exist there that attack you immediately and now you must buy a new ship or weapons to better defend yourself. Rinse and repeat but with much more variation.

            • PrismDragon

              Ah I see. That seems like a relatively good "carrot on a stick" approach. Though, the devs need to add some variety in this style in order to keep players interested enough until they reach the center.

      • sixstorm

        Agreed. Minecraft was a first in it's class IMO, so it has kept my curiosity for quite a while. However, a lot of these types of games seem to piggy back off of Minecraft and I too am curious how long it will hold our attention. Guess we will see . . . whenever it releases.

        • vaporwave

          The creator has said that the game is not like minecraft, and is focused solely on exploration. I think it has a great possibility to be amazing, but I'm very worried it will just be a wandering game. Although I dont think a wandering game will be bad, in this case.

          • RedditExodus

            I don't really understand why everyone wants to put some meaning into this game.

            The way I see it it's a journey like life.

            What is your goal?

            What do you do when your done with that?

            • vaporwave

              I completely get you, and I am planning on purchasing this game just because I can wander, but I still hope that the gentle narrative of getting to the center of the galaxy has some sort of tug to it so that I can feel like I'm working up to something.

            • RedditExodus
              @vaporwave -

              I'll honestly be surprised if there is narrative past whatever there may or may not be at the center.

              That being said, they have mentioned the outer reaches are safer and vise versa, so maybe that will be the draw.

      • Cuken

        The game itself is going to have a tremendous amount of subtle depth. Planets will be colored based off of the fake elements that make up the no man skys periodic table. If a planets red, you'll know that it at least contains portions of element X.. Their will be a natural progression to the game as you unlock the ability to visit planets further and more hostile to you. Eventually players will reach the center of the galaxy where they will be given unannounced abilities that might encourage players to keep playing. (My guess is something to do with the sentinels or helping along other players).

        First and foremost this game is about exploration of galaxies. They were primarily focused on the sense of wonder that arises from visiting a brand new planet with unknown lifeforms. Because everything is procedural generated, literally every planet will be unique with strange creatures to observe or even name (if your the first!)

    • ElTimablo

      Frankly, after they showed nothing new at this year's E3, I decided to stop waiting for it and get Elite: Dangerous instead. I'll still probably end up checking out NMS, but my heart belongs to Elite at the moment.

      • sixstorm

        How is E:D right now?

        • ElTimablo

          Personally, I'm in love. It's got its glitches and cheaters, but for the most part it's an extremely well-polished space sim with an FPS that will be added soon. I'd compare its current state to how Freelancer felt, if you ever played that game. You also currently can't land on planets, but that's coming when the FPS lands, supposedly.

          If you end up getting it, by the way, grab a HOTAS (two-piece joystick). I'm using a "normal" stick and it's just not enough buttons or slidey bits for me.

    • FistfulOfStars (edited 8 years ago)

      This seems like it builds on the parts of Mass Effect that actually interested me, the exploration and resource management.

  • BilboSwaggins

    This game just looks so pretty. The interface, the plants, the guns and ships, just really nice looking. I hope that they can fill out the gameplay similarly.

  • Spooky

    Aside from the pop-in (which can be fixed) and some really rough textures (maybe fixable? I don't really know game development) this game looks stunning. The colours, the UI and the design of the creatures and environments is really great. The devs are clearly really passionate about what they're doing and it shows.

    • dhpinkdh

      Yeah, the visuals were definitely made a priority, I hope they paid the same amount of detail to gameplay.

  • Nacnud

    I feel like there's still so much to be seen with this game. Depending on what they do with it, it could be one of the most innovative games in years. I do think that the "wanted level" is a bit out of place in my opinion, but I understand why it's there.

    • dhpinkdh

      Yeah, I agree with the wanted levels. They could literally do anything with game mechanics at this point and I really hope they include many different paths of gameplay to choose from. I personally hope they do a bit more with collecting materials, maybe allowing players to craft or create items.

  • Cheski

    My face melted when they kept zooming out and out. I am curious if every planet will feel generic after a time.

    • Ajwerth

      This is also what I'm curious about, everytime I see something about this game the scale blows my mind. I just feel like sure there's a lot of planets but they can't all be totally unique. I guess this would make or break it for me. If they are all unique I could play this game for a long time I bet.

  • Clockwork

    I'm really hyped about this game. I've been following with it since it was first announced, and plan on getting it 2 days after launch. Hopefully it doesn't disappoint

  • BoogaBooga

    Really glad this video showed some of the gameplay on a smaller scale. It seems like every other preview video I've seen is just zooming in and out of the universe to show the scope. Knowing what you will be doing from planet to planet makes me a lot more excited. Also, have they ever given even a ballpark release date? I kind of don't want to see too much more of the game before I can play it myself :/

  • xezebien

    Personally, I think this game looks fantastic as a sandbox. I see a lot of people complaining that it looks boring (though many seem to be xbox users), and I think it's a little too early to really pass judgement. I remember when Minecraft was in alpha I got hours of enjoyment out of just exploring cave networks, so I think I'm going to kill hundred of hours exploring the universe when this game comes out.

  • TheAviot

    Honestly, I don't like what we've seen so far at all. I mean, everything is so close together, every planet (even moons) seem to have water, atmosphere and complex organism and vegetation, every planet they showed looks basically the same with different colors (they all have grass, trees, mammals and fish). I've seen maybe 2 hours of the game so far, and I already feel bored by stereotype. There's actually no real diversity in this game.

  • mdnash

    If I understand correctly it's like KSP but less of a simulation?

  • noot

    Hi, I'm chief of /t/nomanssky. Its pretty empty at the moment but hopefully that will change as time goes on. Anyway it would be really cool if someone who is also a bit obsessed with the game could help me moderate it. Since there's pretty much no one to moderate at the moment I think we should just write a "what is" for the game. So comment, pm, or head over to /t/nomanssky if you'r interested.

  • Havok

    The big problem I see with this game revolves around objective. It's going to be AMAZING to jump in a random direction and be the very first to explore planet SnapZu. However, after you've discovered your fifth planet and gotten the gist of how the planets are generated, you start to suffer from Backstage Disney Syndrome. The sense of wonder starts getting washed out, and the actual mechanics of the game are what remains.

    The problem isn't that the mechanics are flawed; flight, combat and the FPS part all look solid. The problem is that all of these have been done better by a lot of people. So the only two remaining things that can be done to keep players' interest is customization and a quest system. The first seems to be very limited in NMS: it seems like very basic customization will be allowed (do you want a space station around this planet?), but very little in-depth modding will be allowed. And unless I'm missing it completely, there won't be much of a story, quests or major objectives that will provide that satisfaction high that draws the players back after 8 hours.

    I LOVE space sims. Freelancer is one of my favourite games of all time, and I almost jumped out of my chair when I saw the original NMS announcement last year. I'm just worried that they're spending so much time on the technical details that the factors that should draw people back to the game get lost.

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