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Published 8 years ago by NinjaKlaus with 31 Comments

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Conversation 8 comments by 5 users
  • ObiWanShinobi (edited 8 years ago)

    Trump also released his net worth, which was revealed to be $8.7billion as he told the audience 'I'm really rich'

    Yeah, you've also been really bankrupt... How many times?

    Holy shit:

    'It is way past time to build a massive wall to secure our southern border - and nobody can build a bigger and better wall than Donald Trump,' said Trump... He went on to say; 'I would build a great wall...very inexpensive ... on our southern border and I will have Mexico pay for that wall.'

    • spaceghoti

      He himself? Never.

      His businesses? Four times.

      • ObiWanShinobi (edited 8 years ago)

        What does that say about him as a person? That he chooses bad CEOs for his business? Still doesn't inspire much confidence in me.

        It feels weird for him to brag about his money. Like, he's just whipping it out there to be like, "Look, America, look what the American Dream did for me!" When really, he was the son of a wealthy real-estate developer, who gave him his company, which he turned into the Trump Organization.

        • spaceghoti

          It allows him to promote a false narrative by not telling the whole truth. He's rich, worth over $8 billion. But when it comes to business investment he fails spectacularly. His primary genius is in keeping his personal and professional money strictly separate, using corporate law to buffer himself against catastrophic failure. But he wants to use his status as a member of our nation's financial elite as justification for why we should trust him with the governance of our nation's interests.

          • ObiWanShinobi

            Thank you for confirming yet another reason why I don't like this guy. He's the exact sort of person they should be taxing more.

            • drunkenninja

              Yep, but he is the poster child for capitalism, the best system in the world! /sarcasm

            • Gozzin

              Same here.

    • picklefingers

      'It is way past time to build a massive wall to secure our southern border - and nobody can build a bigger and better wall than Donald Trump,' said Trump... He went on to say; 'I would build a great wall...very inexpensive ... on our southern border and I will have Mexico pay for that wall.'

      Sounds like a shitty villain from a Saturday morning cartoon.

  • drunkenninja

    Hmm, not the onion. Interesting.

    • Gozzin

      Vote for him,or he will fire you!

    • i208khonsu

      Why doesn't t/NotTheOnion exist?

      • [Deleted Profile]

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  • blitzen

    It's like they're intentionally handicapping the republican party.

    • NinjaKlaus

      It appears the GOP is using the noodle defense this time around, we don't have anything that resonates with the people, throw every kind of candidate at the wall and see what sticks best.

      • blitzen

        Or perhaps the 'insanity defense'.

      • DrLobster

        Honestly, I agree. I think its to get more votes. The obvious losers like Trump and Cruz drop out and endorse a more moderate candidate who then has a chance with the general population. The extremists right now are up because the GOP is casting a wide net to grab as many voters as possible.

    • Tawsix (edited 8 years ago)

      I don't know why but after Bush, it just seems like every goofball in the country comes out of the woodwork to shit up the primaries.

      It's all smoke and mirrors though, Jeb will be the candidate and we'll have another Clinton-Bush race and dispel any notion that we live in a representative democracy at all. Maybe then we can finally start tearing down the establishment, status-quo political machine. But probably not.

  • Tawsix

    And once again, nobody is taking him seriously.

  • hereorthere

    I haven't yet seen one Republican presidential candidate that can be taken seriously. If America wants bankruptcy then Donald is the obvious choice.

  • KingAztek

    Man, he must really have a huge problem with Mexicans. There was some absurdly offensive stuff he stated.

  • alapseofsanity

    Aww don't be too hard on him. Trump is pretty much walking satire! If anything, his candidacy is a gift to the world.

    • Appaloosa

      At least to late night comedy shows!

  • eruditojones

    If 2016 means Trump / Palin for the Republican ticket it might just persuade Jon Stewart to hang onto his job...

  • nerp

    Why do we continue to give this guy the attention he wants? Ignore him and give attention to real political discussion.

    • Gozzin

      Who knows. but they are always crawling out of the woodwork.

  • jdacruz

    Hmm, What about diplomatic relations with foreign countries that are unpredictable?

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