• blitzen

    It's like they're intentionally handicapping the republican party.

    • NinjaKlaus

      It appears the GOP is using the noodle defense this time around, we don't have anything that resonates with the people, throw every kind of candidate at the wall and see what sticks best.

      • blitzen

        Or perhaps the 'insanity defense'.

      • DrLobster

        Honestly, I agree. I think its to get more votes. The obvious losers like Trump and Cruz drop out and endorse a more moderate candidate who then has a chance with the general population. The extremists right now are up because the GOP is casting a wide net to grab as many voters as possible.

    • Tawsix (edited 8 years ago)

      I don't know why but after Bush, it just seems like every goofball in the country comes out of the woodwork to shit up the primaries.

      It's all smoke and mirrors though, Jeb will be the candidate and we'll have another Clinton-Bush race and dispel any notion that we live in a representative democracy at all. Maybe then we can finally start tearing down the establishment, status-quo political machine. But probably not.