• AdelleChattre
    @ -

    In which someone, for whom neo-Nazism and Holocaust denial are 'free speech' issues, corrects us on our understanding of German.

  • [Deleted Profile] (edited 8 years ago)

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  • drunkenninja
    @ -

    Just a heads up /u/Chickenosis, at Snapzu we have rules against racism or anything that may lead to the abuse of another person, ie. doxing, pm harassment, etc. While we promote free speech, there are limits to what we will allow.

  • [Deleted Profile]

    [This comment was removed]

  • AdelleChattre
    @ -

    Whereas your trolling is what, art?

  • [Deleted Profile]

    [This comment was removed]

    • AdelleChattre
      @ -

      Every snickering troll thinks they're funny. Anyone that makes it more than fifteen seconds into your idea of a funny snap can judge for themselves what you're about and what your game is. What's sad is that you haven't got the nerve to own what you are.