LuckiLucy's feed
10 years agoComment LuckiLucy
I'm pretty sure that cat is going to be in my nightmares tonight.
Seriously, that is one of the most menacing and evil looking cats I have ever seen, excluding any cats from Pet Cemetery.
10 years agoHow-to LuckiLucy
Soft and Chewy Ginger Molasses Cookies
Molasses Cookies are great anytime of year. However when the weather starts getting chilly, this sweet and savory cookie is an almost perfect way to warm yourself from the inside out. This recipe...
10 years agoLevel Up LuckiLucy
Level 6
LuckiLucy is now level 6 with 16,355 XP.
View Unlocks- Custom Banner You now have the ability to upload your own custom banner for any of your tribes.
- Tribe Membership The maximum amount of tribes you can join has been raised by 5 to a total of 65.
- Save Credits The maximum amount of save credits you can store has been raised by 2 to a total of 22.
10 years agoAchievement LuckiLucy
Midnight Express
Published 2/2 expression snaps! Congratulations LuckiLucy on this achievement!
+1850 XP -
10 years agoExpression LuckiLucy
The 4 Levels of Intimacy (Warning: Not for the easily disgusted)
Humorous article demonstrating the difference between romance and comfortable love. Those of you who have shared a tiny apartment with their significant other for an extended period of time will understand, those of you who haven't, let this article be a lesson explaining the difference between romantic love and a new form of intimacy that will either exhilarate you or frighten you to your very core.
10 years agoVideo/Audio LuckiLucy
Sex with Joan Rivers, a way to say goodbye
10 years agoAchievement LuckiLucy
Rock Star
Followed by 10/10 members! Congratulations LuckiLucy on this achievement!
+2640 XP -
10 years agoVideo/Audio LuckiLucy
Chatroulette Troll - The Best One Ever
I know it's kinda of old, but for those who may not know this one, you need to see this. It's one of the funniest things I have ever seen on YouTube.
10 years agoLevel Up LuckiLucy
Level 5
LuckiLucy is now level 5 with 10,285 XP.
View Unlocks- Image Submission The maximum amount of images you can submit to a unique social gallery has been raised by 1 to a total of 6.
- Custom Banner You now have the ability to upload your own custom profile banner.
- Following The maximum amount of users you can follow has been raised by 20 to a total of 140.
10 years agoAchievement LuckiLucy
Hat Trick
Maintained a 3 day login streak 5/5 times! Congratulations LuckiLucy on this achievement!
+2110 XP -
10 years agoAchievement LuckiLucy
Busy Bee
Maintained a 7 day login streak 2/2 times! Congratulations LuckiLucy on this achievement!
+1055 XP -
10 years ago
There's just been so much bad news lately, it's about time for something great to happen :)
10 years agoLevel Up LuckiLucy
Level 4
LuckiLucy is now level 4 with 6,640 XP.
View Unlocks- Tribe Membership The maximum amount of tribes you can join has been raised by 5 to a total of 60.
- Pattern Banner You now have the ability to select a pattern for the banner of any of your tribes.
- Snapzine The maximum amount of snapzine editions you can create has been raised by 1 to a total of 6.
10 years agoAchievement LuckiLucy
Helping Hand
Published 2/2 how-to snaps! Congratulations LuckiLucy on this achievement!
+790 XP -
10 years agoHow-to LuckiLucy
How to Plan Your Personal Budget and Save Money
It seems like I cannot go a day without hearing someone bring up the fact that they have no idea how to budget. It seems like the only advice I hear people giving is "spend less than you make." While that is true, it doesn't explain HOW to budget and save. This article explains how to plan your personal budget and save for the future in simple terms.
10 years agoComment LuckiLucy
That is nothing short of brilliant... if it turns out that it works. My fingers are crossed and I'm really hoping this turns out for the best. This may be the most hopeful bit of news I've heard all day, you know what, screw it, it's the most hopeful thing I've heard all month. I sincerely hope this turn out to be a major breakthrough :)
10 years agoReview LuckiLucy
Top 10 Films So Horrible they are worth watching for the unintentional humor
Bad films that are so bad that they are practically brilliant comedies. Also included, some fantastically awful movie posters, feel free to add some of your favorite movie posters. Only 1 condition, they have to be absolutely dreadful.
10 years agoComment LuckiLucy
Don't get me wrong, I have a soft spot for the Cubs, but Little League is so much more exciting than professional baseball nowadays. I feel like pro baseball players are just, well, too good for their own good. It seems like the vast majority of games it's either a strike out, a single or a home run. They're just too good at what they do and it's really dull. Little League is so much more action packed, plus it's all about the passion and love of the game rather than just a really well paying job. that's just my opinion though, I just prefer my baseball players to be a bit less than totally pro and almost perfect players, it's so much more exciting (to me at least) when they players are good, but not great.
10 years agoUnspecified LuckiLucy
The Challenge: Get at Least 1 of these Movies Produced and in Theaters
If anybody can get anyone in Hollywood to produce these movies and get these specific celebrities to star in them, I would be forever grateful. I would offer some sort of prize, but I think just...
10 years agoImage LuckiLucy
That Drunk Girl
You know that girl...we all know or knew that girl at some point
10 years agoUnspecified LuckiLucy
7 Teeny-bopper Movies that were better than expected
Not all teeny-bopper flicks suck, here are 7 that were better than expected
10 years agoComment LuckiLucy
ugh, good riddance to bad trash, hopefully the company will be non existent within 5 years.
10 years agoVideo/Audio LuckiLucy
I guess all songs are family friendly as long as you don't actually speak the language
10 years agoAnalysis LuckiLucy
Why kids need recess and exercise
More and more researchers, educators, and parents are realizing that not only is playground time good for kids -- it is crucial. Here's why it just may be the fourth "R" in school, and what you can do to make sure your child gets a healthy dose of downtime.
10 years agoAchievement LuckiLucy
Hat Trick
Maintained a 3 day login streak 2/2 times! Congratulations LuckiLucy on this achievement!
+790 XP -