Profile Overview


Joined July 18th 2015

"Lcthulou @ Snapzu"

9 Level
Progress to Level 10 1,725 XP / 13,000 XP
Lcthulou published 23 snaps, posted 24 comments, made 0 contributions and placed 251 votes. This resulted in a total of 43,725 XP earned and 13 achievements received.

Top 10 tribes most active in:

  • Created 11 years ago with 1199 Members

    The place to get great advice on all sorts of manners of living

  • Created 8 years ago with 567 Members

    The scifi tribe

  • Created 8 years ago with 399 Members


  • Created 9 years ago with 166 Members

    All about Science Fiction! Books, Movies, and other Content.

  • Created 10 years ago with 65 Members

    t/Horror - Everyone is entitled to one good scare

  • Created 10 years ago with 8 Members

    For all things Lovecraftian!

  • Created 9 years ago with 2 Members

    Steeler Nation

  • Created 9 years ago with 2 Members

    Scrivener Writing Software

  • Created 9 years ago with 1 Members

    The Kindle Author Tribe

  • Created 11 years ago with 1177 Members


Chief of 3 tribes:

Received 13 Achievements:

  • Maintained a 3 day login streak 5/5 times!
    Achieved at Level 6
    Show Previous Levels
    • Maintained a 3 day login streak 2/2 times!
      Achieved at Level 3
  • Chatter Box Bronze 16/100

    Posted a total of 25/25 comments!
    Achieved at Level 7
    Show Previous Levels
    • Posted a total of 10/10 comments!
      Achieved at Level 4
  • Good Image Ribbon 67.68%/70%

    Reached a reputation rating of 67%
    Achieved at Level 7
  • Midnight Express Ribbon 7/10

    Published 2/2 expression snaps!
    Achieved at Level 2
  • Red Eye Jedi Ribbon 113/150

    Viewed 50/50 snaps!
    Achieved at Level 6
  • Maintained a 7 day login streak 2/2 times!
    Achieved at Level 5
  • Helping Hand Ribbon 3/10

    Published 2/2 how-to snaps!
    Achieved at Level 8
  • Media Mogul Ribbon 3/10

    Published 2/2 current event snaps!
    Achieved at Level 5
  • Judgement Say Ribbon 2/10

    Published 2/2 review snaps!
    Achieved at Level 8
  • Line Burner Ribbon 2/10

    Published 2/2 download snaps!
    Achieved at Level 8
  • Rock Star Ribbon 2/10

    Followed by 2/2 members!
    Achieved at Level 5