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Published 10 years ago by KondoR with 8 Comments

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  • weekendhobo

    Needs moar drm. Perhaps a constant Internet connection will do the trick.

    • timex

      Throw in some phone verification and we should be set

      • drunkenninja

        A coffee sniffer attachment that can verify DRM based on the molecular structure of the coffee inside the k-cup should be the DRM redundancy we need...

  • drunkenninja

    Our 9 year old Keurig 1.0 broke down a few months back, but instead of going to Costco to purchase a new 2.0 machine, we opted for a simple coffee grinder and french press. The coffee is better, cheaper and making it is a pleasure. Ohh the smell of freshly ground coffee in the morning, it's become somewhat of a routine for me.

    • Gozzin

      That's the way to do it!

  • Gozzin (edited 10 years ago)

    This gave me such a chuckle. When are these control freaks going to learn once one buys something,it belongs to them!? You don't tell me how to use my coffee maker,my blender,or my computer. It's MINE,not yours. And the reader comments here and there are just gems. Too bad the powers that be will never read them and change their evil ways. Such is life.

  • bkmacdaddy

    Ha! So glad to hear this. I don't own a Keurig but I was definitely perturbed when I heard that they were making proprietary K-Cups.

    • Gozzin

      hard to wrap my mind around such absurdity, but there ya go!

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