• Burt (edited 8 years ago)
    • CrazyDiamond

      A beautiful mess. Reddit has become my soap opera. All they need to do is for the next episode is make Anita Sarkeesian a mod of /r/gaming.

    • racerxonclar (edited 8 years ago)

      This singular comment has actually just solidified my decision to get the hell away from Reddit. For a former CEO and co-founder, this post reads more like a random shitpost on reddit than anything spoken in an official capacity... nevermind that it's full of constant nonsense. It doesn't clarify anything except that the admins seeming are constantly screwing each other over at every opportunity.

      So you got Pao as a temp CEO, make some changes you knew would irritate your userbase, give zero clarification at any stage (with FPH or Victoria)... let a witchhunt form for Pao despite sitting on knowledge that would completely diffuse it... then AFTER you boot her out, you unveil that it was all basically a massive con (because remember, we actively withheld information to fuel a witchhunt, and now we're even stating that we've been a 'bastion of free speech' for 10 years against our will), and villainize your entire userbase...

      For a major corporation behind one of the most influential sites on the internet... this is fucking unacceptable. Conduct, transparency, practices... you name it. Just... wow. I never actually expected a site I hung out on for gaming content/communities would actually make me feel betrayed.

      • eikonoklastes

        Seriously, that's what I said the whole time. Those guys literally sit next to each other in one big office and then they post random half-baked comments and have to re-explain all the time. They should seriously just hire a few PR people and use the admin accounts just for... administrating. Or perhaps an experienced lawyer that can think up solid rules. And they seriously need canned responses for any user interaction, nobody needs that snotty attitude. Good grief.