Post Overview

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  • Text Post
    9 years ago
    +7 7 0

    What other websites do you regularly visit besides Snapzu?

  • Text Post
    9 years ago
    +7 7 0

    Recent Comments Feed

    Snapzu is still pretty small so it can be hard to find discussion especially if the tribes you follow are not as popular. I think having a recent comments page would be really good to promote interaction with others.

  • Current Event
    9 years ago
    +2 2 0

    Official Reveal of New "green blob" Pokemon from Pokemon 2016 Movie Trailer

    Along with the large creature that was revealed in CoroCoro July 12th, a new, smaller Pokemon was revealed in the trailer for the Pokemon 2016 movie on July 18th. Images and video have finally appeared online. Cover Image is a fan rendition by Jimmy ...

  • Current Event
    9 years ago
    +2 2 0

    Get Charged Up for the Pikachu Cup! | ORAS Electric Type Double Battle Competition

    Build a team of only Electric-type Pokémon for an official Double Battle competition on Alpha Sapphire and Omega Ruby! If Pikachu makes it into the top three of the most-used Pokémon in the tournament, all qualified participants will receive a specia ...

  • Current Event
    9 years ago
    +1 1 0

    Diancie Wi-Fi Event for Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire July 24 - 27

    You can also obtain a Diancite by talking to someone in the Pokemon Center after obtaining Diancie.

  • Text Post
    9 years ago
    +10 10 0

    [Site Rules] Treat Gore as NSFW or at Least Ban it from Thumbnails

    I had this problem earlier today where a post had the thumbnail of an "aborted fetus" and the poster refused to change it even after I requested him to. The thumbnails also from the popping tribe tend to be disgusting as well. I have this problem with Imgur where I'll be browsing the front page and will randomly run into a picture of an impaled hand or a "feel good" post of a dog rescue where the first pic is of the dog with multiple infection patches and possibly a limb looking ready to fall off. I don't want the same thing to end up with Snapzu, especially since we have the ability to set the thumbnail photo so there's no need for gore to be in it. It would also be nice if other common phobia triggers (such as blood, spiders, vomit, etc) were restricted from a thumbnail.

  • Text Post
    9 years ago
    +12 12 0

    Option for Chiefs to add a person's Snap to their Tribe?

    This is both a "does it exist" and a suggestion if it doesn't.

    Recently, someone posted a snap directly related to my tribe, but did not submit it to my tribe. I also don't know if the tribe limit for snaps includes after the fact of posting, or just doing posting, so there may be no way for this person to add it to my tribe, despite this, it is relevant.

    Is there a way I can add it to my tribe without directly reposting and thus creating a duplicate post and also taking the OP's carma?

  • Download
    9 years ago
    +3 3 0

    Universal Pokemon Game Randomizer

    Works for Gen 1-5 games. Gives you the ability to randomize starter Pokemon, wild Pokemon, trainer Pokemon, Pokemon base stats and moves, Pokemon abilities and type, and also items. Also provides some tweaks (such as removing the need to trade a Poke ...

  • Video/Audio
    9 years ago
    +2 2 0

    Can a tiger catch its own tail ?

    Diego chasing his tail in a pool. Michael Jamison is a South African entrepreneur that currently owns two tigers, an adult named Enzo and the one in the video named Diego, along with many other more traditional pets. You can view more of his videos ...

  • Image
    9 years ago
    +1 1 0

    CoroCoro August 2015 Leak: New potential Pokemon/Form revealed in Pokemon Movie 2016 teaser.

    A teaser trailer for a Pokemon movie in 2016 is reported to be shown at the end of the Hoopa and the Clash of Ages movie being released next week in Japan. CoroCoro shows three screenshots from this trailer displaying a new Pokemon or Pokemon Form po ...

  • Text Post
    9 years ago
    +2 2 0

    Current thoughts on Tahm Kench?

    Hey all! What do you think of Tahm Kench in his release state? Is he overpowered, underpowered, or pretty balanced? How does his kit feel to play or play against? Where is he best: top, support, or somewhere else? Who does he seem to counter or be countered by? What do you think of the character overall?

    I think Tahm is currently pretty good. I don't think he's overpowered, but he's definitely got good damage and tankiness Top lane and good utility that makes him a good support. His Acquired Taste is pretty intense, and seeing him run at me with his mouth open was pretty scary so props to the animators for that. I'm looking forward to trying him out because, for better or for worse, he reminds me of Gnar with his CC and the potential to still do lots of damage while being super tanky. I feel like a minor nerf may be incoming, but hopefully it won't completely ruin his top-lane potential. I also can't wait to see him in the LCS because I've already seen some really clutch plays where a Tahm will eat a teammate that's being targeted by an attack and just running away, or carrying a teammate across the map to kill a low health enemy (I died to that hiding under turret thinking Tahm wouldn't be able to kill me then an Amumu just shot out at me). My only real issue is his grey health. I know it's currently completely unseeable for some colorblind players, but even I had a hard time distinguishing it from health since I'm so conditioned to if something is there, it's health I have to take out, so it was pretty hard to gauge how well a fight was going when I couldn't see his health dropping any.

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  • Text Post
    9 years ago
    +2 2 0


    I'd like to claim the Pokemon tribe. The current chief only has one post and that was a year ago.

  • Unspecified
    9 years ago
    +1 1 0

    Reminder: Hidden Ability Dragonite codes available at Gamestop until Sunday. Also HA Unova starters available through Serial Code (see link).

    As with all Pokémon games, there are a variety of events for the game in all regions. These events include both Wi-Fi and Brick & Mortar events and as such, this page is a good way to check for upcoming events in your region or in the region of y ...

  • Text Post
    9 years ago
    +20 20 0

    [Features] Ignore/Filter Certain Tribes

    It would be nice if there was a way to filter out tribes you don't want to see. I have been browsing new from all tribes to try to be active in any discussion and it's how I've found a couple of tribes to join, but some of the stuff popping up are from tribes I have zero interest in regardless of actual content of the post.

    It would also be helpful since tribes have some sort of built in cross-posting feature where things seem to show up in different tribes. For example, if I browse Gaming, but don't want to see anything related to Fallout, I could filter out the Fallout tribe and Fallout posts wouldn't show up for me while browsing Gaming.