Our first dog attack on our sheep
Went outside this morning to check the animals... find huge piles of wool everywhere in the paddock and one less sheep!
We'd just moved our few sheep into another paddock next door. Neighbor no longer used it and on the basis we fixed the fences we could use it.
This morning, I checked on them and there is one missing and a LOT of wool everywhere (new pasture, could cause issues, actually looks like change in diet may have given a few of them diarrhea actually, another story there)
We found her, at the bottom of the paddock, on side but still breathing. Nasty bite to the hind leg and some scratches to the rest of her back where wool was pulled out. We cleaned and sprayed some antiseptic and are waiting for vet to phone back. They may allow us to buy some antibiotics directly to does her with.
As for what to do next? Can we leave her in the paddock? Will the damn dog/fox come back? We are a bit new to sheep...
She is looking a bit sorry for herself
She was hiding in some bushes when I went to take a photo. Not great lighting sorry :/ The bites were mostly the left hind leg but possible the dog scared them off before they could do much more
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You must live in a bad neighborhood
Australia... everything here tries to kill SOMETHING :)
Got antibiotics from the Vet. He said they were a suppository on the phone...
Like the old joke, man goes to the doctor and is proscribed a jar of MASSIVE pills.
He exclaims, " I can't swallow those, they're HUGE!"
The Doctor replies, "Well then I've got good news!"
... Our good news was when I got to the vet, the Antibiotics are in an injection form!
You might want to get that fluffy white dog breed and raise them with the sheep to be guard dogs. I've heard llamas make good guards too.
Maremmas - yeah we have one, he is still a puppy (size of a horse) - we think that's the only reason the sheep lived and the bites weren't that bad!