9 years ago
We need to stop torturing chickens
Built-in cruelty toward chickens exists because industrialized animal agriculture is about profitably producing masses of cheap meat.
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"No, it’s just a chicken.".
No,it's not "just a chicken." They feel pain and fear just like you do. And yes,I eat chicken,but I feel they should be treated humanely in their last moments of life and not treated as a "thing" with no feelings or intelligence.
"They feel pain and fear just like you do." , a tad overdramatic. .......... "humanely", simply a value judgement.
Dramatic? Have you ever worked with birds and animals? Apparently not. I have. I worked in wildlife rehab for six years. An animal or bird in pain reacts the same as we do. If they didn't,veterinarians could reset bones,do surgery,etc without anesthetic.
Yes or no: animals can feel pain and fear.
Of course they do, ask any Veterinarian.
Any idiot knows that. What this question is about is whether every idiot knows that.
"..........just like you do." ?
Questions answered with questions are left unanswered, and invite 'interpretation.' Could it be that you're proposing that the capacity to feel pain and fear is inversely proportional to that creature's deliciousness?
It has become clear to me through the substance and content of your responses, your abilities to relate and empathize with the minds of chickens, by far, exceed my own.