Ewok007's feed
9 years agoLevel Up Ewok007
Level 4
Ewok007 is now level 4 with 6,005 XP.
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9 years agoComment Ewok007
As for a Fiction series I highly recommend Theives' World by... well a plethora of authors. Thieves' World is an anthology of Short Stories written by up and coming Fantasy writers in the 70's that all take place in the same world. Each author creates a character, and a storyline to that character, and each of that author's short stories is about that character. However, any author is allowed to use other author's characters provided that they do not kill off a character that is not their own. This leads to plenty of antics where authors will write other authors characters into horrible situations and leave their story off there, forcing the other author to write their way out of killing their character off. It is funny, inventive, and playful while also maintaining a continuous story about a town on the ass end of the Ranke empire.
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9 years agoText Post Ewok007
Crazy Historical Figures
9 years agoComment Ewok007
The Invention of Discovery, if that makes sense? Basically whoever it was who made the first discovery about the natural world, whether that discovery was mating or fire or a very rudimentary understanding of physics. Discovering discovery is what led to man creating societies, buildings, the lightbulb, the washing machine, the internet, spaceships. All of science, mathematics, and society hinged on that man hundreds and thousands of years ago who invented curiosity and sought to discover something about the world, whatever that discovery was.
That or alternating current. The switch from gaslamps to electric lights allowed other inventors to stay up later creating plans. It also allowed them to communicate faster and easier across vast distances. It also changed the way the world operates, allowing workers to work later into the night instead of working at the crack of dawn. Alternating current allowed electricity to reach across vast distances of land a lot more efficiently than a direct current, which would require a transformer or power station every couple of blocks in a large city.
show morePosted in: What is the best invention ever and why?
9 years ago
/t/amiibo is still waiting for me to reach level 6 before I can start adding a banner and making it super fun, although I do plan on updating it once I am back home from work and can take a picture of my collection.
Posted in: Another Late intro. Sup, Snapzu?
9 years agoText Post Ewok007
Good Reads, Anyone?
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9 years agoText Post Ewok007
Another Late intro. Sup, Snapzu?
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9 years agoComment Ewok007
I don't know how I feel about this. On one hand I don't feel like spending another $40 on the game. On the other, Hyrule Warriors on the go sounds like a great idea.
Either way, I'm buying it...
9 years ago
There exists a Biography of Peter the Great that is stellar. I just finished reading that and it is really quite good.
If you are interested in certain countries or time periods I can help you out as well. I have quite a library developing and can suggest books on stuff you are interested in based on that.
Posted in: Why I Study History
9 years agoLevel Up Ewok007
Level 3
Ewok007 is now level 3 with 4,075 XP.
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9 years agoAchievement Ewok007
Rock Star
Followed by 2/2 members! Congratulations Ewok007 on this achievement!
+1310 XP -
9 years agoText Post Ewok007
Favorite Zelda Boss Fight?
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9 years agoVideo/Audio Ewok007
The Legend of Zelda Wii U Trailer - E3 2014
Super excited! Too bad we had no new info at E3 2015
9 years ago
If you have ever played the Zelda CDI games Link speaks in those. He also speaks in the animated series which, though not a good series, is really funny to watch as a Legend of Zelda fan.
9 years agoText Post Ewok007
What is Your Favorite Smash Bros Game?
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9 years agoComment Ewok007
Smash 4 is crazy because I have been playing random, however I have had great success with DeDeDe, Megaman, and Robin. Smash 64 I main Fox, his cartwheel kick is too good in that game. Melee I main Link. Melee was my first Smash game and Link was my favorite character. Me and my best friend would one on one Link vs. Marth until we both were in a trance. Brawl I didn't play much once PM came out. I enjoyed Snake in Brawl, and played a lot of Ness as well. If we include PM, then Ivysaur.
Sm4sh has a lot of good options to main, as far as I can tell.
Posted in: Who do you main in each Smash?
9 years ago
"Old Man Grants His Wisdom"
Attacks can include magic teleporting powers, fireballs, gifting swords that stab his enemy, shoddy Japanese translations, and his final smash could have him shooting 8bit fireballs out of lanterns at other players (who, in turn, would become 8bit sprites of themselves)
9 years agoComment Ewok007
I can understand all the reasons why not to put him in, considering he has only had one game and it isn't nintendo exclusive and he is not really an icon of any sort, but... Shovel Knight. (I know, how original). Although I do believe DK needs some more love. A new Zelda character would be cool as well.
Also, Yes to Simon Belmont.
9 years agoLevel Up Ewok007
Level 2
Ewok007 is now level 2 with 1,245 XP.
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9 years agoText Post Ewok007
Why I Study History
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9 years agoComment Ewok007
I've been super excited for No Man's Sky. Seems like it has a lot of options open for how you can play the game. I'll be going for a more Star Trek style of exploration as opposed to getting into constant fights and battles.