
Why I Study History

As a History and Medieval Studies major, I get asked a lot about why I study History and if it is a "worth while" major. I have created this answer for myself:

Humans are a creature with a lust for storytelling. In many ways, our world is built on stories. Lessons are taught to children with stories, news anchors tell the latest stories, family members and friends sit around a table and tell stories during dinner. These stories are about a lot of things from Grandpa's crazy experiences growing up during the Second World War to that terrible outfit that kid at school wore to prom. In life, we try our best to find stories, tell stories, and to impress with our stories. We try to make people think, we try to make people laugh, and we shape our stories to achieve these goals.

History is the study of human stories, which I believe to be at the heart of culture and society. It is the study of stories that have shaped nations and changed the lives of everyone. By studying these stories, lessons can be learn, tears can be shed, and some laughs can be had. These stories can teach us what it means to be human and what it means to tell stories. People achieve immortality through their stories, and Historians are hear to keep those stories alive. I want to become a storyteller.

Why do you have an interest in History?

9 years ago by Ewok007 with 3 comments

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  • jcscher

    Welcome and cannot wait to see what you post!

  • flowerpunk

    Welcome !

    I have only recently become interested in history (that sounds terrible, and it is) so don't have much to contribute at this time, but I would love a list - however brief or verbose - of essential or favourite history books ?

    • Ewok007

      There exists a Biography of Peter the Great that is stellar. I just finished reading that and it is really quite good.


      If you are interested in certain countries or time periods I can help you out as well. I have quite a library developing and can suggest books on stuff you are interested in based on that.

      • flowerpunk

        Thanks I'll give it a look. I may get back to you at some point for more.