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Published 9 years ago by Druxe0 with 30 Comments

Reddit is now Deddit


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  • CrazyDiamond (edited 9 years ago)

    Lol I don't remember a time where talking about reddit was cool. Also it's still alive and well. I think I like this site better if it could get some more servers.

    • Druxe0

      Reddit is dying at a very fast rate. I just wish this site was more populated and popular.

      • Aleenik

        Reddit is dying at a very fast rate.

        You say that, but I'm not seeing any proof of it. People are checking out Reddit alternatives in larger droves lately, sure, but at the same time I haven't seen Reddit so active in a while and the vast majority of the subs that went dark weren't even dark for 24 hours. There's also the problem that by far the most recommended alternative on Reddit has been Voat, and since it's down, people just end up staying at Reddit even more.

        • CaCtUs2003

          To add to that, the digg exodus didn't happen overnight. The digg staff were doing almost the exact same things that Reddit is doing now but in neither case did people just suddenly stop using the website. It's a slow trickle, not a flash flood because millions of different people with varying degrees of interest in the drama are using the website. It was the same case for Digg.

          That said, I still have some Reddit tabs open but there could be a point in the future where I won't even think of Reddit and will either go directly to Voat or Snapzu.

          • get9

            Honestly, it depends on what subreddits you belongs to and how long it takes the rest of the community. I know that until /r/taiwan starts moving to /t/taiwan on Snapzu or /v/taiwan on Voat, I'm going to be keeping at least one Reddit tab open. There are a few others I am subbed to that have not made a real transition elsewhere, yet.

        • offline

          Reddit will be fine. There is a small minority who are actually ticked off by what's happening, and they're being the loudest right now. Not only are reddit's staff not worried about losing their business, they are probably in favour of it by this point as their anti-reddit posts are spamming the front page. They're like the drunk guys at the bar, or the card-counters at the casino - the staff aren't worried about losing their business, they just want them out.

          • neg8ivezero (edited 9 years ago)

            While I understand your viewpoint, I think you may be missing the larger picture.

            The minority that is spamming the frontpage of Reddit is the content-creating minority. Most of Reddit is simply lurkers or users who do little more than consume content. This part of the community really doesn't care about the drama and just wants to enjoy the content on their favorite website. There is nothing wrong with that and every social website needs lurkers. In this sense, you and Ellen Pao are correct in stating that the majority of Reddit users are not in line with the vocal minority voicing anger and outrage over Reddit's management. However, the people that are in that vocal minority are upset because the issues that caused the protests are directly linked to moderation and content creation and thus, those that are upset are the mods and the content creators. Once the good mods and content creators leave Reddit, there will be little left for the lurking majority to look at aside from overused memes and reposts. This has already happened to some degree during other large debacles, which is why the content on Reddit can be a bit vapid at times-

            In short, this is the proverbial "last straw." There will be an exodus of decent proportions for the next month or so while the content creators and mods find alternative sites to join and then a slow, trickling, loss of traffic will eventually kill Reddit entirely. The systems they designed to monetize Reddit have never worked and will only be less successful with a declining user-base. Reddit is dying, for sure. The only thing I can see actually changing this is Ellen Pao being fired.

            My source for this is my own analysis and experience with Reddit. I am a mod of a smaller sub (~10k subscribers) and have seen first hand many of the gripes that fueled this debacle. I left and created accounts here and at Voat to get onboard while begins its decline.

          • ima11

            I agree that the loud small minority gets attention and seems like the virtual majority, even when it's not entirely statistically accurate. I do believe Reddit WILL have concern coming, but at this time's being, I agree, they know they are the top dog and will be for quite some time, especially considering content available and since everyone is on it like Facebook in a sense. They don't seem to be censoring posts about this site, Voat, and Eerrii, though. Do I believe if you express anger, that the admins will like you more? No, depending of course on HOW you come across about it, destructively or constructively, it might earn you a foe at the upper-end. But I don't see, even despite all of this, how the Reddit admins are "in favor" of it, in any remotely possible shape or form.

          • septimine

            They're the content creators. That's how it works. 10% of users post the interesting stuff, and most the rest lurk or comment. Once the content goes, no reason to lurk on reddit.

        • dannycdannydo

          I'm pretty sure reddit will be ok. Even if it changes into something else.

          I am still going there for some niche subreddits (r/blender) because there are so many users compared to here (where I have now started /t/blender). If you are in those smaller niche subreddits you don't get any of the shit compared to say r/all. I do hope the smaller tribes here can grow though so i can totally cut off from reddit.

          • double2

            Yea, this is what digg didn't have - established micro-communities. I can't imagine /r/blender, /r/learnprogramming or other such subs to ever feel the need to move unless something much worse happens. Or, of course, an alternative providing such a significantly better experience than the existing option, but as the main influence on that factor is the level of activity in a community, it's hard to imagine how that would happen.

      • ima11 (edited 9 years ago)

        Statistically, I'd say there are STILL more people on Reddit than the alternative sites which are this one, Eerrii, and (maybe) Voat. Do I believe that there is an increasing amount of people LEAVING Reddit for these alternative sites? Yes. In other words, it's having a mass exodus of people leaving it, but so does Facebook. In the end, there are masses who will use it. I definitely believe this site is the future; but is it dying at THIS point? Not necessarily. It is still a cause for concern, regardless, on Reddit's part - and a scary potential against it, this and other sites have, that's for sure. Even Myspace didn't die all at once - it took time. Give it time, and while many will still use Reddit, it won't be the ONLY major player in this industry. Classic/Mainstream? Yes. But not a monopoly/go-to site, alone. I do believe that this site needs more tribes like Reddit has subreddits - that will happen over time; it isn't an over-night job.

      • ima11

        All I need from this site, to drop Reddit once and for all, is the Usenet and Tracker Invites sections. And in wishful hoping, a way to import comment/link karma.

    • picklefingers

      I sort of remember. There was a time when you could get by with the whole "The narwhal bacons at midnight" thing. Redditors would get pretty annoyed, but people would still find it interesting that they met a fellow redditor in the wild. Now, if you tried to pull something like that, you would probably get laughed at. Overall, the pride factor of being redditor went from low/indifferent to almost a taboo.

    • FRIK (edited 9 years ago)

      I disagree-I find reddit cool. lol

      Or at least it used to be.

    • AnotherFuture

      Digg is alive and well too. Reddit, like Digg, has lost its cool.

      • ima11

        there are also plenty of people on Myspace, heh. That's lost its cool as well.

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  • Druxe0

    Now that I think about it, I don't remember.

  • loch

    Being a redditor was never cool lmao

    I would never tell someone "HELLO I AM A FELLOW REDDITOR!" its like, 'grats, you can sign up for a website. What a niche community of 10 million people. In any event, reddit is far from dead, it won't be for a while. It'll never actually be "legally" dead, if you want to use that terminology- digg still gets hits. Baseball bat to the kneecaps type of hits, but it gets hits. Reddit'll die, slowly. It's still pretty cool now if you aren't on the defaults.

  • LimitedMind (edited 9 years ago)

    I remember writing a blog several years ago about Reddit. In the blog I described Redditors as being Juggalos - it makes perfect sense in the blog. That being said, I had a conversation with a coworker about a Year and a half ago about Reddit, she said she was "good" at Reddit. I told her there is no such thing, being good at Reddit and challenged her to a Karma contest.

    The rules were simple. Create a new account on New Years Day and see who wins by the end of the year.

    I won the Karma contest, but lost because I stuck around, hypocritically to my blog post some years back. The guilt of that has haunted me every day, until yesterday.... I am now here and ain't going back.

    I now have my dignity intact and my self esteem is returning... Thanks Snapzu, for Snapzuing me out of my darkest time....

    Here's the blog post, if your interested... And no, I no longer read Rage Comics much... Yet another phase in my internet life.


    TL;DR Reddit has never been cool; its not possible to be good at Reddit

    Edit: tying on a tablet creates weird typos

  • KaliYugaz

    Well, I'm not sure about Reddit ever being cool, but I do remember a time when mentioning Reddit in public wouldn't make people think you might be some kind of crypto-Nazi wannabe rapist.

  • ClarkKent

    I don't remember when Reddit was cool either. More like the dark hole you go to when on the toilet. :0

  • ProtoJazz

    I'm really on the fence. I've liked reddit for a long time, and it's got lots of great content. But it seems like anything that gets big enough always has just enough user that are so miserable it sours the whole experience. Hopefully snapzu will be better

    • Druxe0

      Exactly, I'm sort of having a hard time transitioning.


    It was never cool to be a redditor.

    Have you ever seen the meetup pictures? Half the time its a bunch of fat, creepy people in MLP costumes.

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