10 years ago
A New Type of Dyson Sphere May Be Nearly Impossible to Detect
Over fifty years ago, physicist Freeman Dyson proposed an awesome, if slightly insane, idea: That an advanced alien civilization might construct a massive, energy-harvesting sphere around its star, and bunk up inside.
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My question would be why build a Dyson Sphere in the first place? I mean, I understand that building it to harvest energy is of course the whole purpose, but to shack up inside? Don't stars attract large space objects that get pulled in and cause significant damage? Wouldn't it be safer and a lot less resource intensive to stay away from the star and live on a much smaller object that orbits that star instead?
I think his original idea has been somewhat hijacked by science fiction proponents. See here.
This is much more plausible than the original link. Makes a lot more sense.