9 years ago
Fish schmish: These surprising sushi rolls contain zero seafood
Made with vinegar, sushi rice usually gets topped with raw and cured seafood. But like all things foodie, it has evolved. Just like a taco became a Doritos extravaganza and a cupcake got stuffed with ice cream, sushi is constantly reinventing itself.
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I honestly don't know whether this would be appropriate for /t/fish or not.
I thought of it, but I didn't want to hurt /t/fish's feelings with the lack of fish. If /u/FishKnight wants me to add it, I will. ;)
I'm going to say It would have been OK to post in /t/fish. Initially, I was on the fence about this one. I have subsequently given way too much thought about if this snap would be appropriate. It does contain the word fish. And one could argue that these fish alternatives have an impact on fish consumption, making it related to fish. This next part might be a stretch, but maybe along with a related link about the pressure seafood demands have on the ocean.