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9 years ago+4 4 0Hey snapzu I have .... well sorta been cheating on you but is not what you think I still love you but you don't give me all our relationship needs..
So here is the real thing there are certain things that you (still) don't have mainly for me smashbros and the lack of a mobile app since I browse more when I'm out than on the computer. the other issue is that the recognition that /r/smashbros has gained allows it to have an influx of both the new techniques discovered and the participation of the big-shots of smash and to be truthful I spend more time at /r/smashbros than in the front page of reddit it is that much that it means to me, so sorry and I hope I can make some changes because I really like this place. (but I do need the mobile app I don't particularly like how the site restricts me on the phone)
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9 years ago+3 3 0Back in Buissness
I have been slacking for far too long(sorry I started University and I have been too busy), so lets try and make this tribe grow but I will need your help. Post pics theories any wild thing you come across related to the show don't hesitate in posting it. Lets hope we grow more and become a great source of wacky theories, great fanart and most of all a welcoming community to both the new and more veteran fans of the show that happen to stumble on this tribe. good day and have fun
9 years ago+1 1 0Piñata Paaaaarty!
some pictures I took from a store I haven't visited in a long time
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9 years ago+20 20 0Hey Snapzites, so I was feeling down this past couple of days but I'm sort of fine now, what do you guys do when you are feeling down to overcome it?
So I really wish I could answer all of you but thanks for the tips and I will try some of these out thanks :D -
9 years agoUnspecified+2 2 0look what I found, completed end screen card [Spoilers]
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9 years ago+1 1 0ATOTS Discussion thread
9 years ago+1 1 0Gravity Falls: SDCC 2015 Trailer - Analysis
are you ready for tomorrow because I'm not. good luck surviving and even more if you like Steven Universe too
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9 years ago+2 2 0[FEATURE] night mode
So how about a way where the colors of the text and background are switched for easier reading inthe night or on low light without burning your eyes off I domt know if this would be hard to implement but I know that many of us would be gratefull
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9 years ago+1 1 0Banner ideas?
Just what the title says, since I can now add a custom image to the banner do you have any suggestions?
9 years ago+2 2 0The Turntable Turnabout (Mystery Skulls - Money)
Just watch it you are goimg to like it
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9 years ago+2 3 1A way to help with the payment of the servers
So many of us have a computer capable of doing bitcoin minning so maybe anyone that is willing and capable of doing it could help the site by donating a bit or all of their earnings maybe create a tribe that explains how to do it plus how to make it safe. I have not done minning but I know about it. I hope this helps in some way.
Current Event
9 years ago+1 2 1Pope rebukes Bolivia's President Evo Morales for gift of crucifix mounted on hammer and sickle
Pope Francis makes clear he is not amused as Evo Morales, Bolivia's left-wing leader, presents gift that mixes the symbols of Christianity and communism
Current Event
9 years agoCurrent Event+16 16 0EVO 2015 Schedule
Many of you are only interested in one game but here is the complete schedule
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9 years ago+2 2 0New tribe idea
So I was thinking what happens when youfind something super cool be it a new show, game or activity where do you post this brand new experience Is there any tribe dedicated solley to posting new exciting discoveries made by us snapzites? If there is please tell me if not please allow me to create it such place so that everyone can discover new things to do. Oh and also please suggest a name since i we use /t/dicovery it might seem as a tribe dedicated to the channel
9 years ago+3 3 0Lucas Combos! (Smash Wii U/3DS)
infinites, set-ups and more
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9 years ago+1 1 0quick thing about the tribe url
could we please get the domain /t/f2 please is just begging to happen that is all
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9 years ago+2 2 0Morning mark question
Should i simply add his site to the side bar so that we don't have only post about him or should I post them daily and noone upvotes them just so that everyone has an easier acces to the comics?
9 years agoHow-to+12 12 0Logical Increments to pc parts
Building a PC? These are the parts to get.
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9 years ago+13 13 0What is that recurent dream you never seem to complete or one recurent one that you find interesting for whatever reason?
For me it is one where I have both magic and a highly advanced motor bike that can transform into a jet ski. I get assinged to rescue someone I dont remember whom but I end up infiltrating the enemy base everything goes nicely until some guard notices me I sap him with a lightning spell but it is too late and the alarm goes off I proceed to summon my bike and ride deeper into the base until I fall into the sewers I there find an ally that is an awsome marksman so we head to the control tower I drive he gets rid of evryting in our path. We end up destroying the security systems of the the tower and then I wake up it really frustrating but awsome to relive this dream once in a while
Btw prepare for frustration as the stories that dont end pile up
9 years ago+2 2 0Mystery skulls - Ghost
A great song that doubles as a great animation