8 years ago
What 2,000 calories looks like at every major fast-food chain
We went to each of these chains to explore what ordering 2,000 calories looks like.
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I wonder why they went overboard on KFC and Burger King? They showed almost 3000 calories for those two.
Also, Taco Bell looks like that 2000 calories could feed someone for a full day pretty easily.
It's a conspiracy!
2990 calories for just one meal?
Those of you who rock a Fitbit now know just how hard it is to burn 2,000 calories. Ugh!
A lot of those meals were twice as much food as I could eat in one sitting...not as bad as I was thinking it would be. I feel like most people that could eat all of that are probably much bigger, in height and weight, and probably require a larger caloric intake anyway.
This just end, fast food is tasty because of all the calories.
Seriously- What a great post. Thank you very much.
I've seen a lot of your posts and somehow not followed you. Consider that error corrected.
Thank you!