• Appaloosa

    I never willingly voted to get abused at the airport. No matter how you vote, you're going to get groped by federally controlled goon squads.

    • AdelleChattre

      Which candidate for local water district commissioner should I choose so that we don't have to explain to little kids that it's okay for TSA to touch them wherever they like?

    • NotWearingPants
      @AdelleChattre -

      I voted with my wallet. I quit flying.

      My particular case:

      Showing up two hours early, get molested, fly, layover, flight to relatives city, get bags (assuming they weren't routed to Antarctica or stolen by the TSA) , drive 45 mins home...

      I can drive it in an hour and a half longer than it takes to fly.

      Without screaming kids, sitting in a seat that reclines an inch and a half, or sitting next to a stranger than last bathed in the 20th century.

      For business or international travel, you have to fly.

      For personal travel, people choose to get molested because they find it more convenient than travelling by other means.

    • Appaloosa
      @AdelleChattre -

      At the Federal level or local? It is mandated somewhere right?

    • Appaloosa
      @NotWearingPants -

      My greatest respect to you!

    • AdelleChattre
      @Appaloosa -

      My great grandmother always said you can judge people by whom they associate with. On that score, /u/NotWearingPants shines brightly. Too bad one can't completely avoid TSA simply by choosing not to fly. Let's remember, they have more of a right to your body than you do, at the times and places of their choosing. It's not really up to you.

    • Appaloosa
      @AdelleChattre -

      Yeah, well you know...just travel and such.