• AdelleChattre

    Sure. Anyone that's ever been in a parade knows better than to believe any eleborate plan, let alone conspiracy, will work. On a personal level. However, there are also professionals in this world. Whatever we think we know about the human condition, if you think the surface stories about the deaths of X, JFK, MLK, and RFK are the whole story, that's adorable.

    • leweb

      Here's the thing (I'm replying briefly to both of you because baby is sick and I haven't slept so I'm lazy). I'm 100% behind the idea of government agencies not wanting us to know the truth when it's inconvenient (or in general). And I understand that there is a professional class of liars working hard to keep the apocryphal, official story afloat. This is just another example of our "Democracy" at work (I like to refer to the "most transparent administration ever" when I have a chance). However, I'm very skeptical about the ability of the government to keep high-profile lies uncovered for a very long time in a capitalist, Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/etc. society. Look at Assange, Manning, Snowden, and all the other anonymous whistleblowers that have surfaced in the last decade (the same transparent administration in the parenthesis above was also going to strengthen whistleblower protections lol). Either their actions are part of the "conspiracy", or, more likely, they show that in our current society it is extremely difficult for the government to keep a high-profile lie hidden for a very long time. I don't believe any of the official stories (I learned this a long time ago in a shitty country far, but not so far, away), but I also have a hard time believing that the government is able to keep a high profile secret for decades given how profitable it is for the truth to come out.