I grew up on science fiction as a kid. I'm amazed at how many far fetched ideas I read about as a kid are not fiction anymore. I remember how fantastical Dick Tracy's watch was.
Sci fi helps us apply imagination to reality. It shows us what possibilities might be out there. I love fantasy books, too, but they are pure imagination with no possible application to relaity.
I grew up on science fiction as a kid. I'm amazed at how many far fetched ideas I read about as a kid are not fiction anymore. I remember how fantastical Dick Tracy's watch was.
As did I,and I still enjoy it. SF aldso helps people accept the "other" (alien) as looking different but not being someone to hate/fear.
Sci fi helps us apply imagination to reality. It shows us what possibilities might be out there. I love fantasy books, too, but they are pure imagination with no possible application to relaity.