• Appaloosa

    Got to be safer than my dad!

    • Gozzin

      There has to be quite the story behind this comment...Do say more.

      • Appaloosa (edited 1 year ago)

        He just turned 90, so we clipped his wings a while ago. The defining moment was one night as he was driving us home from a family gathering. A very clearly visible 4 way stop intersection was perfectly ignored and we just barreled right through, accompanied with the loud Dad! Dad! Dad! voices of alarm.

        Wut? Was his only surprised reaction. We lived to tell the tale...that time.

        It's a tough thing telling a seasoned car pilot he's getting grounded. He's now assigned to copilot with backseat driving duties.

        Unfortunatley he relishes his "Pull up!...Pull up!" alert signal authority.