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Published 8 years ago by AdelleChattre with 9 Comments

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  • CrookedTale

    The DNC has been prepping and pushing for a Hillary Presidency for the last 6 years or more. To them the only person who could be president was Hillary and they did everything they could to achieve that outcome. I remember the news stories right after President Obama was elected for his second term where the democratic rep's and pundits were all giddy about how Hillary would be the President in 2017 and that was the democratic voters ONLY choice. Even though many people (voters) had said that Hillary could not win against a republican candidate after 8 years of Obama they still made sure that Hillary was the Democrats only choice. Bernie never had a chance by the time he came in. The media and voters were already told that there was only Hillary Clinton, no other option would be excepted. It was not the Russians who foiled the election. The fault lays on the DNC, Hillary, and the entirety of the Democratic party for not listening to the middle line democrats when we said Hillary can not win. The only way the Democratic Party can rebuild now is if Hillary and the DNC admit their guilt and apologize to everyone in America (Not just Democrat's and Liberals). After they apologize then they should never mention the Clinton's again. Never ever ever ever again.

    • Gozzin

      The only way the Democratic Party can rebuild now is if Hillary and the DNC admit their guilt and apologize to everyone in America (Not just Democrat's and Liberals). After they apologize then they should never mention the Clinton's again. Never ever ever ever again.

      Yep. They decided they wanted her and threw Sanders and a boat load of voters under the bus. I doubt they will ever see what they did wrong,much less admit to it.

  • EvilQuiltFaith

    The information attained from the Phishing email Podesta fell for, just validated the feelings us Bernie supporters had all along. The DNC picked Hillary and that was final.

    Now, the Establishment Democrats are playing blame everyone else and stay the course. Just look at Schumer being selected a minority leader in the Senate ( WallSt buddy). and staying with Pelosi. You would think after the loss of the majority in 2012 would tell these people it is time to change course, or this election. Just look at Pelosi's Face the Nation interview (don't change) or Howard Dean's praise of her on Morning Joe (raises money).

  • DuplusV

    I was always skeptical about the Russian hacks, the election was too close and the country was divided and the leaks just showed us that she has her dark side too.

  • SandrasReality

    I think the DNC has no choice but to reflect on it's actions. Clearly the members failed to understand the changing demands of their voter base and the election results reflect that. Hillary is a very faulty person no doubt, but she lost to caricature of a man with low intellect that spends too much time on Twitter and Facebook bullying his critics and calling women fat. This HAS to tell the DNC something. I am hopeful still. Trump's win is an alcoholic America hitting rock bottom. After this candidate, America will be going to AA.

    • leweb

      Oh, they have a choice. They can keep pretending that they didn't make a mistake and it was all the fault of the fake news, the Russians, etc. Our politicians aren't exactly good at admitting they did anything wrong.

      You should never say that a country has hit rock bottom. That's a challenge to the universe, and it will prove you wrong. Trust me, I grew up in Venezuela.

      • Gozzin

        I really do enjoy your insights,that's for sure.

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