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6 years agoLevel Up EvilQuiltFaith
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6 years agoAchievement EvilQuiltFaith
Busy Bee
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+3165 XP -
6 years agoAchievement EvilQuiltFaith
Hat Trick
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6 years agoLevel Up EvilQuiltFaith
Level 6
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6 years agoAchievement EvilQuiltFaith
Chatter Box
Posted a total of 10/10 comments! Congratulations EvilQuiltFaith on this achievement!
+1320 XP -
6 years agoComment EvilQuiltFaith
Does anyone here honestly believe that Trump is the only president since Nixon to abuse his power? He just lacks the fake smile and PR team to polish the turds. It also helps to have the media on your side.
Obama had a kill list, not open to the public or signed off by a judge.
Obama had ordered the death of Americans living abroad, no trial.Bush43 leaked a CIA agent's name and pardoned who did it.
Bush43 authorized torture.
6 years agoComment EvilQuiltFaith
"authorities are turning up the heat on popular websites and apps ostensibly to fight terrorism"
Sounds a like what the FBI has been wanting from Apple and what Google and Facebook are doing for the government in the US and UK. This, unfortunatly, is not unique to Russia. It seems to be an internation movement from all countries governments.
6 years agoComment EvilQuiltFaith
You can thank Bill Clinton for this.
1996 Telecommunications Act
6 years agoLevel Up EvilQuiltFaith
Level 5
EvilQuiltFaith is now level 5 with 11,100 XP.
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6 years agoAchievement EvilQuiltFaith
Busy Bee
Maintained a 7 day login streak 2/2 times! Congratulations EvilQuiltFaith on this achievement!
+1320 XP -
6 years agoComment EvilQuiltFaith
Start following groups you don't support, I started doing that. It open up a whole new world and understanding of where some talking points come from.
6 years agoLevel Up EvilQuiltFaith
Level 4
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6 years agoAchievement EvilQuiltFaith
Hat Trick
Maintained a 3 day login streak 5/5 times! Congratulations EvilQuiltFaith on this achievement!
+2630 XP -
6 years agoComment EvilQuiltFaith
Its seems like it isn't really necessary and the benefits are small. They might have a point here.
6 years agoRelated Link EvilQuiltFaith
Men with red-stained crotches will protest circumcision in Charlotte this weekend
EvilQuiltFaith added 1 related link(s)
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8 years agoComment EvilQuiltFaith
One can easily imagine him telling his crowds that the CIA is plotting against him or that authoritarian policies are necessary to fight whatever enemies he decides are keeping America from being great again.
Isn't this exactly what the Bush did after 9/11 (Patriot Act) and the run up to the Iraq war (bad intelligence)?
8 years agoComment EvilQuiltFaith
The information attained from the Phishing email Podesta fell for, just validated the feelings us Bernie supporters had all along. The DNC picked Hillary and that was final.
Now, the Establishment Democrats are playing blame everyone else and stay the course. Just look at Schumer being selected a minority leader in the Senate ( WallSt buddy). and staying with Pelosi. You would think after the loss of the majority in 2012 would tell these people it is time to change course, or this election. Just look at Pelosi's Face the Nation interview (don't change) or Howard Dean's praise of her on Morning Joe (raises money).
Posted in: It Wasn’t the Russians
8 years agoAchievement EvilQuiltFaith
Rock Star
Followed by 2/2 members! Congratulations EvilQuiltFaith on this achievement!
+1310 XP -
8 years agoComment EvilQuiltFaith
Keep in mind that the Daily Beast is owned buy IAC and Chelsea Clinton is on their board. http://iac.com/about/leadership/board-directors/chelsea-clinton
8 years agoLevel Up EvilQuiltFaith
Level 3
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8 years ago
I feel like this will all go away after the election. 2016 has been a cold war buzz word bingo night. In 2017 the news/US gov't will go back to blaming China for all the hacks.
8 years agoAchievement EvilQuiltFaith
Hat Trick
Maintained a 3 day login streak 2/2 times! Congratulations EvilQuiltFaith on this achievement!
+1310 XP -
8 years agoComment EvilQuiltFaith
Why don't they just take the X Games and add it to the Olympics?
Posted in: Skateboarding Is Now an Olympic Sport