8 years ago
Should we bring extinct species back from the dead?
Earth is in the midst of its sixth mass extinction: Somewhere between 30 and 159 species disappear every day, thanks largely to humans, and more than 300 types of mammals, birds, reptiles, and amphibians have vanished since 1500. These rates do not bode well for the future of life on our planet, but what if extinction wasn’t permanent? What if we could resurrect some of the species we’ve lost?
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Easy answer: not until we reverse the reasons they went extinct in the first place. Most of them are going to extinct because we're changing the ecological niches they require to survive.
Another solution is for humans to go extinct. Which, given how we're dealing with things like global warming, is not completely impossible.
I say nope since there is no place to put them and we are not doing such a hot job of keeping many species alive as it is.