  • LacquerCritic

    As Snapzu grows, I think the presence and growth of tribes that are oriented towards women will also help encourage women to join. Before I decided to sign up. I went looking through the tribe list - only once I found /t/women and /t/makeup did I decide that I wanted to invest time in Snapzu. Of course, not all women are interested in such tribes, and of course some men will be interested in these tribes, but when I found other sites that only mentioned science/technology/news, I sort of figured that I wouldn't want to spend as much time there since there were only some of my interests discussed there.

    • Katherine

      Judging from your username... I don't suppose you know whether there's a nail art tribe yet?

      • LacquerCritic

        I searched and didn't find one, so I thought I'd make a tribe and see what happens! /t/nailfanatics

      • Espeon

        I am so there once there is one.

        • LacquerCritic

          Well, I couldn't find one using the search function, so I thought I'd try making a tribe - /t/nailfanatics (obviously empty at the moment, I'll be finding some snaps very quick though!)

          • Katherine

            Awesome! I'll try to contribute, too!

          • LacquerCritic
            @Katherine -

            Thank you! Welcome to the very little club, here are your honorary snacks, etc. :)

    • BlueOracle

      That's a good point about needing more tribes that are oriented towards women, and I'm glad you started /t/nailfanatics! I started /t/knitting which tends to be something that women have more interest in than men. There is also /t/fashion, /t/style, and /t/beauty which might appeal more to women. If you want to adopt an existing tribe, and the cheif has been inactive for 3 months or more, you can put in a request with the Snapzu team to reclaim that tribe. It's not nessissary to be a chief to be active in a tribe, but I thought I'd mention it since some tribes have been abandon by their chiefs.

    • shannondoah

      Speaking of which,am I the only one who wants this community to be better than Reddit's TwoXChromosomes?(which is basically a heavily polarized battleground,last time I checked).

      • BlueOracle

        I actually preferred TrollXChromosomes, but it is a silly place with mostly advice animals. ;)

        I do think a lot of the issues with TwoXChromosomes might be a matter of the size of the community, as /u/LacquerCritic mentioned. I guess we'll see what happens as this community grows, and it would be great if it could continue to be a place where there isn't so much strife.

      • LacquerCritic

        For the time being, I think the size of Snapzu and /t/women tribe will prevent that from happening. As Snapzu grows it'll be more of an issue, because I think that battleground came about as a result of defensiveness, with seemingly every group with strong opinions feeling that their opinions weren't being given due respect in light of the other groups. I'm not sure what's the best way to prevent that kind of atmosphere in which so many users are constantly on the defense. (I'll also note that I wasn't a fan of the frequency with which comments were posted asking why a women's forum wasn't talking about men, so I am biased a bit in that direction.)

        • shannondoah

          I'll also note that I wasn't a fan of the frequency with which comments were posted asking why a women's forum wasn't talking about men

          Me too here!

          • Gozzin

            Women,like about whatever they want.

          • BlueOracle

            Haha! So true... sigh