  • shannondoah

    Speaking of which,am I the only one who wants this community to be better than Reddit's TwoXChromosomes?(which is basically a heavily polarized battleground,last time I checked).

    • BlueOracle

      I actually preferred TrollXChromosomes, but it is a silly place with mostly advice animals. ;)

      I do think a lot of the issues with TwoXChromosomes might be a matter of the size of the community, as /u/LacquerCritic mentioned. I guess we'll see what happens as this community grows, and it would be great if it could continue to be a place where there isn't so much strife.

    • LacquerCritic

      For the time being, I think the size of Snapzu and /t/women tribe will prevent that from happening. As Snapzu grows it'll be more of an issue, because I think that battleground came about as a result of defensiveness, with seemingly every group with strong opinions feeling that their opinions weren't being given due respect in light of the other groups. I'm not sure what's the best way to prevent that kind of atmosphere in which so many users are constantly on the defense. (I'll also note that I wasn't a fan of the frequency with which comments were posted asking why a women's forum wasn't talking about men, so I am biased a bit in that direction.)

      • shannondoah

        I'll also note that I wasn't a fan of the frequency with which comments were posted asking why a women's forum wasn't talking about men

        Me too here!

        • Gozzin

          Women,like about whatever they want.

        • BlueOracle

          Haha! So true... sigh