Text Post: Meet the Mods posted by Zomb
  • cmagnificent (edited 9 years ago)

    Hi Everyone!

    First a huge thank you to Zomb for setting this tribe up so people have a place to come when they're facing these problems.

    I'm a 25 year old dirty writer type who works in addiction treatment. I have over a decade of experience in the mental health circuit both on the client side and practitioner side and genuinely believe that communities like this are our first, last and best line of defense against suicide and self destruction.

    My only objectives here are to lend a sympathetic and empathetic ear to all those who need it and to make sure this place remains a strong and vibrant support network for anyone who is battling with depression and suicidal ideation or is close to someone experiencing these issues.

    As always if there is a true emergency the national suicide hotline for the United States is at - 1 (800) 273-8255 and it would be greatly appreciated if people from other locales could give us their local lines as a resource for those who need it.

    I'm happy to have the chance to give to others what has been so freely given to me in the past. My ears and my heart are open.