  • idlethreat (edited 8 years ago)

    For me, the top 3 might happen to be:

    - not getting carded for drinks, smokes, whatever - okay, perhaps a part of me feels a little crummy about it but damn, it's nice not having to pull the wallet back out again

    - not getting pulled over and questioned all the time by cops - I was a long-haired metal head from the deep south so I spent a lot of time getting questioned by various members of the police force. Sure, I looked scary, but I was pretty tame

    - feeling comfortable with me - I think that actually hit around the mid-30's or so. I'm completely at peace with who I am, and what I am. I make no apologies for my habits, quirks, kinks, or preferences. went through a number of depressing and stressful periods of my life. I learned a lot. And I'm a better man because of it.

    • OldTallGuy

      Being comfortable with myself has gotten me through a lot bad periods in my life too. When I was young I was always worried about what other people thought of me, now I couldn't care less, I don't try to alienate others but if they don't like me that's their loss.

      I always tease cashiers when they don't card me. They usually laugh when a 6'7" tall guy with a head full of gray hair tells them "I was hoping I looked young enough that you'd have to check my ID".

      • idlethreat

        Wow. 6'7". 6'4" here. I feel your pain. Can't get comfortable on planes, beds are too short, and any vehicle short of a SUV or truck has your kneecaps by your ears.