  • GeniusIComeAnon

    Okay, so that episode was pretty dang awesome. It was really fun watching all of the different ways ponies had to fight the tantabus. And princess Big Mac is now canon! Fairly simple moral, but very entertaining execution.

    • eikonoklastes

      Do you smell this? This is the smell that smells like... artists creating all the Princess Big MacIntosh things. On the other hand, there is some really nice exposition with Luna's desire to punish herself, it fits so well into all the headcanons judging by all the pictures and fanfics that I'm sure there'll be lots of nice stuff to see and read in the near future.

      I liked how they captured a wide array of dreams, some were really benign, but then there's Derpy. Why just the size? Why are Lyra and Bon Bon conjoined? They both have their own dreams but both their avatars stick together. I don't even... Yet I feel like they could have done much more crazy stuff, I'm pretty spoiled by Triptank, Rick&Morty and others I guess. Gotta have that Vitamin C(razy).

      Lastly, I have to concur with the moral. Sometimes when you worry too much you just have to trust your best friend(s) when they say it's gonna be okay. It's sooo easy to dig a hole of worry to sit in, especially when you try to deal with it yourself and then just stew in your hole of bad thoughts.

      • GeniusIComeAnon

        Yeah, there's been some amazing and funny art that's come from this episode. It really does fit quite well, and also helps expand on Luna's character. We've never seen her talk about the Nightmare stuff after her transformation and rapid growth.

        Definitely was a proper amount of crazy for this episode; fun, but not distracting. We got to see some of the super ponies and Fluuterbat. Unfortunately, not enough of the other ponies of Ponyville were creative enough to help very much. Filthy Rich's money surfing was pretty sick, though. As for LryaBon, I'm sure it's a best friend thing, right? Right?!

        Really was just an overall great episode. I guess if they're going to have a hiatus, they should end on a good one.

        • eikonoklastes

          Ha, I'm actually torn if they are giving the shippers a wink or just trolling them. It might be a little bit of both.

          Let's hope my favourite fic writers pump out some more chapters to keep the pony levels in my blood stable (pun unintended) while we sit out yet another hiatus. *kneads his hands nervously*

          • GeniusIComeAnon

            Probably a bit of both.

            You could always take up writing yourself! I usually sustain my pony levels with pictures and videos. I do have several of the comics that i need to read though, too.

            • eikonoklastes

              Actually, I have written some fics and am currently working on something larger by my standards. I'm lacking the drive to continue though, writing doesn't come as naturally to me as I thought and feedback to the first two chapters has been literally zero. I've got mad respect for everyone writing 200k+ words in a span of months or even weeks.

            • GeniusIComeAnon
              @eikonoklastes -

              Yeah, I can understand the lack of drive thing. There's so many fics that it's hard to get the attention you sometimes deserve. At any rate, don't give up hope! Like most things, this is a numbers game; you'll get noticed eventually if you keep it up.

            • eikonoklastes
              @GeniusIComeAnon -

              Thanks, I appreciate it. If nothing else I'll continue writing for myself anyway. It's a good outlet, different from what I do usually, so I have that going for me, which is nice.

            • GeniusIComeAnon
              @eikonoklastes -

              Having a creative outlet is always good. I constantly switch with mine. I've done drawing, writing, video editing, music. I have that same problem though where I don't get any feedback and then I get antsy and switch to something else.