  • GeniusIComeAnon

    Probably a bit of both.

    You could always take up writing yourself! I usually sustain my pony levels with pictures and videos. I do have several of the comics that i need to read though, too.

    • eikonoklastes

      Actually, I have written some fics and am currently working on something larger by my standards. I'm lacking the drive to continue though, writing doesn't come as naturally to me as I thought and feedback to the first two chapters has been literally zero. I've got mad respect for everyone writing 200k+ words in a span of months or even weeks.

    • GeniusIComeAnon
      @eikonoklastes -

      Yeah, I can understand the lack of drive thing. There's so many fics that it's hard to get the attention you sometimes deserve. At any rate, don't give up hope! Like most things, this is a numbers game; you'll get noticed eventually if you keep it up.

    • eikonoklastes
      @GeniusIComeAnon -

      Thanks, I appreciate it. If nothing else I'll continue writing for myself anyway. It's a good outlet, different from what I do usually, so I have that going for me, which is nice.

    • GeniusIComeAnon
      @eikonoklastes -

      Having a creative outlet is always good. I constantly switch with mine. I've done drawing, writing, video editing, music. I have that same problem though where I don't get any feedback and then I get antsy and switch to something else.