
What's your favorite way to discover new music?

Free if possible. Thanks!

8 years ago by belangermira with 5 comments

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  • blahblahgabor

    I subscribe to independent labels on youtube, check out lineups at the different music festivals, keep up with bands playing at some of the smaller venues in Austin, and look at the billboard charts for overseas artists. Lots and lots of tangent clicks. I still like pitchfork and spin sometimes has new artists and bands.

  • b1ackbird

    I use a website called Whyd

    The great thing about Whyd is you can aggregate your favorite songs and videos via their platform into playlists or groupings of your choice. Soundcloud, Youtube, Vimeo, and lots of others are supported. Others can follow you and your selections get added to their 'stream' which they can play and listen to & add to their own playlists.

    I've discovered literally hundreds of ARTISTS this way- probably thousands of songs I'd have never heard otherwise.

    Here's my personal Whyd page, feel free to join and follow!

  • idlethreat

    I think Pandora was the #1 way that I found to locate new bands I would like. Bands like apoptygma berzerk, Zeromancer, The Birthday Massacre, Neuroticfish, lots of niche groups that grew on me.

  • JTtheGhost

    Pretty randomly - Often when checking out soundtracks to things, or hearing songs I like on the radio, or attempting to deal with the "radio" function of multiple user programs (which I find are all pretty terrible), checking out related artists etc. Though, YouTube's autoplay has accidentally given me more awesome music then anything else.