
What movie have you watched the most amount of times? And how many times, if you can remember?

8 years ago by spacepopper with 31 comments

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  • capricorn

    Fight Club.. for me the best movie ever!!

  • Ishmu07

    Although it's been over a decade since I've seen it, my most watched movie of all time is easily Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Starting in around eighth grade, after our English teacher showed us the "Bring it your dead!" scene, my buddy and I watched that movie at least once a night every night for about 2 years.

    We memorized the entire script and even went so far as to reproduce the entire thing passing a notebook back and forth for a semester in one class. We dressed as the Knights who say "ni" for Halloween one year. One of our ongoing jokes, even to this day, is about one's mother being a hamster and the other's father smelling of elderberries.

    In a word, that movie is simply classic.

    • tehdiplomat

      This sounds very familiar, I did pretty much the exact same thing with Holy Grail. I still pop it on every once in a while when I'm just lounging around and have nothing better to do.

  • TenNineteenOne

    If constantly playing it in the background while gaming counts, then Hot Fuzz or Pulp Fiction. I'd estimate about 30 times for each.

  • drunkenninja

    When I was younger (wayyyy younger) I must have watched the Back to the Future movies at least 15 times. I think even today the record stands.

  • the7egend

    Stardust, it's a great book and also a great movie, it was casted beautifully and it's just an overall great story and it's easy to watch over and over.

    • twoBits

      Agreed, this is a really good movie!

  • PensiveApe

    The original star wars movies. I would watch oneat least once a week when I was a little kid.

  • Qukatt

    Blues Brothers, Scott Pilgrim, Ghostbusters (both).. bedknobs and broomsticks (and probably mary poppins too) Shaun of the Dead/Hotfuzz (but not world's end really. It came out after i had kids so i stopped having so much opportunity to rewatch stuff endlessly... except for kids shows)

    Scott pilgrim is top of the list, we even ripped just the audio track so we could listen to it instead of having the tv on with the full equipment running XD

    Movies are too long for me to rewatch now. so I rewatch tv shows more. Spaced/ Blackbooks/GreenWing/Father Ted/It Crowd/ Red Dwarf. Could watch them endlessly.

  • Appaloosa

    The Wizard of Oz. It was a big family event once a year. I was the eldest of 7, so you can imagine how many times I saw it!

    • Gozzin

      The Wizard of Oz here as well.

  • a7h13f

    That is a very tough question! For a few years in middle school and junior high, a friend and I would watch the Original Star Wars Trilogy once a month, so that's probably high up on the list. Donnie Darko is probably close to the top as well, as I've actually worn out two copies of the dvd.

  • FivesandSevens

    When I was younger it was probably a tie between Monty Python and the Holy Grail and A Hard Day's Night. Since then it's been either The Jerk, The Last Waltz, or Stop Making Sense. I guess I just prefer rewatching quotable comedies and concert/music films.

  • Gracey

    Wow.. that is a tough one! Anything by QTarantino generally lives in my DVD... Kill Bill 2 being my ultimate favorite of his (Best! girl fight scene EVER) I have seen Vanilla Sky ("see you in another life when we are cats!") more than 40 times... Waking Life -- about 40 times... love that deep thinking stuff.

  • Vera

    I do love Fight Club too, but I have seen First Blood more times, it's my favorite movie. 7 times maybe?

  • feloniousjones

    Clerks. 20+ back in the day.

    Archer but has take many more hours of my time than Clerks but is TV so it is excluded.

  • massani

    Wow, I'm surprised no one has said Jurassic Park. I think I have seen that one about 30+ times over the years. There was a week in elementary school where I was sick and I would watch it everyday. It just never gets old!

    A close second though would have to be The Social Network. I'm a huge David Fincher fan and I think that is his best film by far. Probably have seen close to 20 times so far.

  • jcscher

    Storm of the Century but I don't know how many times. I usually watch it during large winter storms which has been quite often the last couple of years.

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  • NotWearingPants

    It's likely Airplane! I watch it at least a couple times a year. Always good for improving a sour mood.

  • freedomgarden

    The Blues Brothers. I have no clue how many times, especially since often it is just put on for background.

    • Qukatt

      This one is certainly somewhere in my top ten most watched films ever. I've been watching it since i was like knee tall.

  • racerxonclar

    Oh god... It's either Captain Ron or Folks. I'm not sure which ended up being watched more, but it was when I was a kid. I was too lazy to go find something else to watch, and hey, I knew I liked this movie... so I'd just hit play and never take the VHS out. It was probably around 30-40 times I've seen them.

  • Cobbydaler

    Has to be between four; Blade Runner, Rocky Horror Show, History of the World Part I and Blues Brothers. Can't remember how many times though.

  • Ponyohamslayer

    I've seen What We Do In The Shadows about a dozen times now. The first time I watched it, I loved it so much I watched it again right after the first showing. My friends and I can quote almost the whole movie by now.