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The Best Social Investing Platforms of 2022 - Vital Dollar
Social investing platforms are ideal for connecting with other traders and learning how to invest and trade successfully. Here are our top recommendations.
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10 Ways to Save Money on Cleaning Products - Savvy Natural Cleaning
There are many ways to save money on cleaning products. Keep reading for tips on how to get your home clean without breaking the bank.
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The Best Stock Trading Apps for Beginners - Vital Dollar
The best stock trading apps for beginners present an easy way for anyone to start investing in the stock market. See our favorites and why we love them.
+4 +1
Interest-free loan scheme expanded to reach up to 20,000 Britons
A government-supported scheme that provides interest-free loans to the financially vulnerable will be expanded to reach up to 20,000 people. The no-interest loan scheme (Nils), which is backed by the Treasury but is run by credit unions and other lending organisations, successfully underwent a trial in Manchester and from September will be rolled out in other parts of the UK.
+18 +1
Buy now, pay later: Apple will now lend you money to keep you spending and expand its empire
Apple has established an ever-growing ecosystem in which users are encouraged to tap into Apple products and services as much, and as often, as possible – such as by making payments through their iPhone instead of a bank card.
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How to Invest $1,000: 7 Smart Ways - Vital Dollar
Do you have some extra money and you're wondering how to invest $1,000? Here are some productive ways to put your money to good use.
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Lifestyle Creep: What It Is and How to Avoid It - Vital Dollar
Lifestyle creep can be very harmful to your long-term financial success. Learn more about what it is, the subtle warning signs, and get practical tips for avoiding it.
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10 of the Best ETFs with High Dividends (2022)
The best ETFs with dividends can provide a source of passive income. Most of these funds invest in large-cap equities that are usually considered relatively low risk compared to other stocks.
+21 +1
In a captured state
There’s nothing wrong with having a society that’s run by smart, hard-working, educated people. The problem arises when that class is unable to see itself.
+15 +1
'A downward debt spiral': Global calls to rein in buy-now, pay-later companies
A global alliance of consumer groups is calling for regulation of the buy-now, pay-later industry amid warnings that more customers will end up in a debt spiral as the cost of living goes up.
+8 +1
Why Blogging for Money Should Not Be Your End Goal
Blogging for money is an idea that is constantly thrown around and has us think anyone can do it. You sit down, write a post or several, and boom — you’re making money. Except not really. Let’s be frank: blogging for money should not be your end goal.
+18 +1
Inflation, explained by eggs
In a nutshell (or, for our purposes, an eggshell), it’s a cycle. Everything is getting more expensive because everything else is, including when it comes to eggs.
+3 +1
Common Obstacles in Selling a House
Selling a home is sometimes a challenging event. Right now it is fairly easy given how hot markets are across the country but that is not always the case. When there is a more balanced market getting your house sold in a timely fashion usually takes some work.
+14 +1
OPP warn of counterfeit 'Z dollard' toonies surfacing in eastern Ontario
Ontario Provincial Police are warning businesses of some counterfeit toonies that were found at a store in Hawkesbury.
+19 +1
Swiss franc rises vs euro, dollar hovers around 16-month high
The dollar eased against its major peers on Monday, but remained near its 16-month high hit last week on the back of inflation concerns, as investors looked forward to fresh data this week on the state of the U.S. consumer.
+10 +1
Top Earning Female Affiliate Marketers in the World
Affiliate marketing is the process of marketing and making money from 3rd party products and services. As an affiliate you will receive a percentage or some fixed amount of the affiliate sale as a commission. Here is the nitty gritty on the top female affiliate marketers.
+4 +1
How to create a money transfer app
Custom Web and Mobile Development
+2 +1
Do You Pay Taxes on A Second Home Sale
One of the questions that many folks have who don't stay completely up to date on the current tax laws is if they will need to pay taxes on the sale of a second home they own. We will take a look at what you need to know about your finances from a tax standpoint.
+21 +1
Apple Card Ranked Top for Customer Satisfaction by J.D. Power
Apple today highlighted that the Apple Card and Goldman Sachs has been ranked top for customer satisfaction in the midsized issuer credit card segment, according to J.D. Power. The J.D. Power 2021 U.S. Credit Card Satisfaction Study showed that the Apple Card ranked highest with a score of 864.1, across all of the surveyed categories including interaction, credit card terms, communication, benefits and services, rewards, and key moments.
+12 +1
We Need to Talk About Inflation
Inflation is one of those concepts that everyone knows about but very few understand (unless you have the misfortune of living in a high inflation environment). In the western world we have been fortunate that we have not had to deal with runaway inflation in decades. So, what is the big deal?
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