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Published 3 years ago by massrealty with 0 Comments

Common Obstacles in Selling a House

Selling a home is sometimes a challenging event. Right now it is fairly easy given how hot markets are across the country but that is not always the case. When there is a more balanced market getting your house sold in a timely fashion usually takes some work.

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    Sometimes there are things that are out of your control like the number of homes for sale in your given price range, the economic outlook, where interest rates are at, the local crime rate, and a number of other factors.

    A common wild card in selling a home is the neighborhood in which you live. Sometimes it can really make or break your home sale. If the homes around you are not kept up it can certainly impact your value and the time it takes to sell.

    One other common issue worth mentioning is difficult neighbors. Many people look for advice on how to deal with bad neighbors. There are numerous issues that having the wrong neighbor can create.

    Some of the more common ones are experiencing loud music at all hours of the night, letting their pets ruin your yard, stock piling junk in and around their yard. The list goes on. Does one of these things sound like something you have been experiencing? If you are nodding your head YES, you're not alone.

    Many homeowners go through these problems. Of course, it becomes even more exacerbating when you're planning on selling a house. The key to dealing with problems such as these is remaining level headed. Screaming at your neighbor like a hot head is likely not going to go too far.

    In fact, it may make your neighbor rebel towards you even more. The best approach is to kindly explain your situation. Tell them that selling a home takes a lot of work. Let them know that some of the things they are doing is preventing your sale from taking place.

    You could even talk to your real estate agent about it and ask if they would mind being the "fall guy" so to speak. If they agree, let your neighbor know that the real estate agent has received negative feedback on how the yard looks and the noise coming from the property.

    If you have different problems with your neighbor and are looking for some sound advice, I would highly recommend looking over the resource above found at Maximum Real Estate Exposure.

    You will see detailed advice for numerous situations dealing with an awful neighbor. If you have friends or family that are dealing with a problem neighbor, pass along the article to them.


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